Okay, but have you ever noticed that the dark spots on the moon look like a Minecraft creeper face? I saw a post MANY years ago, and cannot un-see a creeper face.
my friend ELON TESLA would have caught that little sucker with his robot arm. When we send him off to Mars I'm thinking about giving TESLA and SPACEX and all of Elon's other little hobbies to my son BARON. He is almost as good as me, you know? YOU WATCH.
I assume he was talking about the atrophy and rapid loss of bone density that would cripple any long distance 0G space travelers. There are some other physical strains as well but I have never heard of them dying
Yeah, I figured...I was being overly literal to make a point. I think the ISS has proved that people CAN live in space for long periods, and told us what the effects on the human body are.
FWIW I do agree that nobody is going to Mars any time soon. There are still WAY too many unsolved problems.
Everything is Magick and witchcraft, if you don't possess the intellect to understand it and how it works. Gravity is Magick, Fire is Magick, Tornadoes are Magick... its all nonsense to explain away what people don't understand. Try books WITHOUT pictures sometime...
The galaxy is full of dangers, and neither the Compact nor the Jackals are the worst of them.
er the Compact or the Jackle
FWIW I do agree that nobody is going to Mars any time soon. There are still WAY too many unsolved problems.
Who watches the watchmen?
—NASA astronaut aboard the ISS
I'm so sick of science contrarians who have no interest in educating themselves. They should be embarrassed