Perspective as a former postal clerk, spouse retired from a P&DC. Pulling our benefits out from under the federal umbrella is a clue we can't miss. Strength to you, friend.
Their intentions have been clear to me since freight auctions began in 2020 and we started putting unvetted XPO brokers on our routes. They've lied to the American Public and Congress regarding their culpability and compromised the sanctity of the mail with their actions. Solidarity.
I had no idea XPO was carrying the mail but tracks with a thug like DeJoy. Sanctity and security of the US Mail was the foundation of my training. And I was proud to take the Oath. The system, rigged as it is, has failed us all.
They don't know day to day who is carrying the mail they stopped putting on plains and labeled ground advantage. Tout electric delivery vehicles while sending out over 11,000 contractor trailers out the back door from my building alone. Dejoy has imploded my facility from within since day one.
XPO runs the freight auction website that contractors bid "Ground advantage" routes are contracted out to the lowest bidder. USPS has not vetted these contractors internally. The WSJ and a paper in Colorado had recent articles within the last two years regarding highway deaths associated.
Too bad our government systems cannot handle pushback from hoodlums! Speaks volumes about the core strength of the system than the damage an orange 🤡 can wreak.
Just look at the IRS. Republicans starve it for resources to do their job and then complain there are no audits ( of regular folks) and complain that rich folks are unfairly treated ( for paying NO taxes and getting caught.
Ask me about my whiny ex-in-laws who got caught in a tax dodge and wouldn't drive their Corvettes because they were afraid the IRS would know they owned them. (I'm sure the IRS knew)
A town near a canal decided to hire a full time operator of the lock used by boat traffic. All went well until someone pointed out said operator needed oversight.
They hired a manager to be the boss and do payroll etc.
To be sure this is part of the problem. The other aspect is the appointment of unqualified people to leadership positions because of political favoritism, the awarding of contracts based not on quality but on political connections, and pay-to-play corruption.
Alt text: A step-by-step guide titled "How to Destroy Public Services" depicted using a domino effect. The steps include: 1) Reduce the budget of public services 2) Eliminate positions in public services because the budget has been reduced
3) Complain about the decline in quality and efficiency of public services 4) Claim that the degradation of public services is proof of government inefficiency, thus privatization is needed 5) Privatize.
You've left out by far the most important playbook, which is being used by the Canadian left: vastly increase the public service budget without putting a dime of it into services, so there's a billion more per year spent on admin in health care, and 20% of the population don't have primary care docs
This is what the very left-wing NDP are doing in my home province of British Columbia, and the left-wing Trudeau Liberals are doing federally in a number of areas. Adding costly but useless overheads, while services languish. The public--surprise!--becomes an easy mark for the cutters and slashers.
Meanwhile, the left focuses on the failings of the right, and calls the people who vote for them stupid, without ever noticing *that they themselves are not delivering on the promises of social democracy*. Unless we can fix that, the righties are going to win. But we won't, b/c the left is useless.
Misleading to call those people "the left" when they are just as invested in the cycle of decline as "the right'. Anyone who offers a solution, even amelioration, is denounced from all sides as a dangerous, wild-eyed dreamer, far more than the ones whose main policy is to crush the scapegoats.
"It's misleading to call the New Democratic Party 'the left'" is not a reasonable proposition. The membership thinks they are the left. I'm not going to argue. This disowning of *what the left actually does in power* is part and parcel of how useless the left has become. Let's own it and fix it.
You can own it if you like. The menu of permitted options where I am, and I believe where you are too, doesn't include anyone that can reasonably be called "the left". There are variations of "the right", and some are ostensibly if not in practice more left than others, but that's as far as it goes.
Actually the pushing is being done by corporate interests who have the means to retreat from harm's way, and the crushed are innocent bystanders, typically children.
Nein, die Beschreibung ist leider nicht richtig. Denn der letzte Stein fällt leider nicht auf den Pusher, sondern auf den Steuerzahler/Bürger. Der Pusher und der übernehmende Privateigentümer freuen sich dann über den künftigen Gewinn.
Step 6: pay a private company to perform at a reduced level with a higher budget while CEO & Board get the pay raises the former govt workers were entitled to.
But let's not pretend the left is any better. In BC the NDP added a billion a year to our health care budget that was 100% admin overhead: no new docs, no new facilities, no shorter wait times, still 20% of folks with no family doc. How do we convince people *not* to vote Con in those circumstances?
In our recent provincial election it was only by a literal handful of votes that a bunch of Con crazies who make Ford look like a paragon lost. That's how awful the NDP "alternative" to Ford-alikes is. If we don't fix that, the future is right-wing.
A town near a canal decided to hire a full time operator of the lock used by boat traffic. All went well until someone pointed out said operator needed oversight.
They hired a manager to be the boss and do payroll etc.
So they fired the lock operator.
The End.
In Italy, after Monti gov. Until today with the fascists in power again exactly this has happened.
It’s right there, they’re coming… to night…
But what a great image…!