Remember Canadians, it is about boycotting American products! The EU and the UK are our trusted friends and allies and should not be forgotten. If you cannot buy a Canadian product please buy British, French, German, Scandinavian, Italian and so on! Let's build a stronger world together!
💙💛 Slava Ukraini! 💙💛
Countries insulted by the cosplay emperor of ex-USA: 33
🇪🇺 🇺🇦 🇨🇦 🇲🇽 🇵🇦 🇵🇱 🇬🇧 🇬🇱 🇩🇰 🇷🇴
CANADA IS NEXT. You will be bullied and tariffed into submission. WE WANT YOUR RESOURCES 🎯
Stay strong!!!
Support Mexico 🇲🇽
Let’s build closer ties across the ocean - without USA 🇺🇸
#effective #resistance
And also: buy Dutch cheese !
It's supposed to be "schtroumpf"
If it isn't, have a polite chat with your Canadian store owner 🍁🇨🇦
5 for $5.00
You can get great strawberries from Mexico on sale for $4.88 at Urban Grocers
on Fort St
At this moment, we have no more luck.
Any suggestions for Canadian exports other than maple syrup and whisky?
Seriously though, maybe footwear, we make some nice boots here.
Artists? This company is in my city
Footwear would be bad for import taxes (Norway not in EU), and I buy mine from a Finnish company so I am all set.
Send fuel and gas to Europe! We can't supply it all!
I'll buy some whisky and syrup myself.
I guess I'll stick with buying a nice bottle of quality whisky, but it looks like what we get is not cheap, so might try it neat.
For example, Fruit Loops. In the US, they are made with dyes not permitted in 🇨🇦 Thus the 🇨🇦 made FL are duller in colour but with fruit & veg colouring, taste sweeter.
Could come down after this year's harvest if there's any olive trees left after this year's deluge.
I know I'm lucky I can do this. There are a lot of people barely surviving.
Trump responds:
Canada doesn't have anything we need. They only have brilliant people, massive natural resources, free healthcare, and clean cities, but no golden toilets.
The US electorate will get the government they deserve, led by insanity and very poor judgement
Totally embarrassed and ashamed
This American stands with our Allies, not Russia!
I will fight with you! I want my country back! I want to be proud to be a leader again in the Free world!
Glory to the hero's
I’m sorry our country is like this. It’s scary 🥺
Buy Maple Sirop, Canadian Bacon, Canadian Fish and Lobsters
He is determined to destroy The United States & her relationship with our allies. He wants to be a dictator, so IMHO you should treat him as such in your policies.
That said majority or bourbon is made by conservative douche bags.
My heart goes out to the workers who will suffer but the only way to show them is taking $s from their pockets.
You have a different flavor preference and that's fine.
Make Americans suffer.
The only way to break the #GOP induced MAGAt Zombie curse is to make Americans feel real pain.
The only way to get the non-voters involved in our democracy to make Americans feel real pain.
The decent Americans will suffer too, but it must happen.
And Asian (except India, they've interfered in Canadian politics).
And African... is complicated. There are many authoritarian rulers. US military bases are in Djibouti, Niger, Chad, Cameroon, Kenya, Ethiopia, and Burkina Faso.
Like I said, I might be totally wrong here, this is just an ancient memory being triggered...
All just friendly and affectionate rivalry between Scots and our Irish brothers and sisters though!
Whisky apparently refers to Scottish, Canadian, or Japanese grain spirits. Whiskey refers to grain spirits distilled in Ireland and the United States.
Got ticked off by my Scottish MIL for it once!
Ah, what the hell - whiskies for everyone 😁🥃
Alba gu bràth
Éirinn go Brách
Where do we claim our Nobel Peace Prize ✊🏻😁🏴🇮🇪
So, fellow Americans, we might as well buy Canadian and Mexican anyway. Tank the red states!
I now live!
If we want a world less dependent on U.S. corporations, supporting trusted allies is the way forward. Every purchase is a vote—make it count.
#EconomicSovereignty #BuyLocal #GlobalAllies
1. Canadian if we can get it
2. anything but American as second choice
3. failing that -- change the menu or do without