I am so proud of President Trump for being falsely Impeached (but acquitted twice), indicted 4 times with 3 of them dismissed, & convicted only 1 time in America-Last New York City whose conviction can now be appealed & reversed due to gross juridical errors while Trump receives no punishment. MAGA
It really is a disgrace that the citizens of this nation was willing to put a FELON into the highest office. And what I mean by that is the people who voted for this FELON is a disgrace.
This election was going to say more about some people in this country than the FELON.
Failure of Justice has allowed a crime syndicate and global terrorists to take over America. And most of the people and admin have no idea. That's how bad Justice failed U.S.
This pos pretend prez will get a slap in the wrist. Traitors should not be allowed near the WH, but justice was not served for we the people. He will do all he can to destroy us from the inside out. Hope yall are ready for chaos.
This was the decision of the OLC in 1973 under then Attorney General John Mitchell during Nixon's presidency (reviewed and upheld in 2000 under George W. Bush). Four years later, Mitchell was convicted for his role in Watergate and served 19 months in prison. https://biotech.law.lsu.edu/blaw/olc/sitting_president.htm
The judge will issue a warrant for his arrest. He could also face additional criminal charges for failing to appear. it may also hurt his chances at sentencing, because the judge may decide that he is not willing to follow directions, so he is not a good candidate for probation.
thanks Grant... what a goddamn fucked up moment for Democracy. No one who voted for the Russian Asset should be treated as a fellow American, and shunned by all who get it.
How profoundly embarrassing that some thought it best to send an adjudicated racist rapist narcissistic pathological liar conman thief grifter draft dodger morally & financially bankrupt wannabe dictator insurrectionist traitor who stole national secrets & is an idiotic fool BACK to OUR WH.😕🤔🫢😤😡
I don't. It's a tragic miscarriage of justice, which surmounts to тЯцмф wiping his fat, stinky orange ass with the Constitution.
Unless Judge Merchan levies some sort of prison time associated with sentencing (he likely will not) that is due to remand immediately after тЯцмф's term ends. #LockHimUp
I'm with you on everything but jail time. Merchans document pretty much says that the only thing that will happen to Teflon Don is that he will be considered to be a felon. A slap on the darn for rich white dude. If it was ANY of us nobody's, we would have been in jail on day 1.
An abuser will always abuse you as much as you will tolerate. Trump used
Americans fear of pain/discomfort to intimidate them into allowing him to do whatever he wanted.
And so here we are, the pain continues and the abuse goes on. Fear and intimidation.
If Merchan doesn’t sentence Trump to prison time for his felon conviction and he sentences other convicted felons to prison time, he should be removed from the bench and disbarred.
New York currently has a mandatory sentencing for first offenders of Class E felonies, the nonviolent first offender to serve from 1½ to 4 years in prison.
Felon of the United States? He could also be COTUS (Criminal of the United States). I also like Cheater-in-Chief since the only way he "won" in 2016 and 2024 was by cheating.
Who will make the oldest republican supreme Court judges retire so he can infect SCOTUS indefinitely. He has won , thanks to every school yard bully maneuver, with his mean boi team.
BREAKING: Bars are being installed on all White House points of entry and windows in preparation for the last elected president to ever take office. Making America His Bitch Again
This election was going to say more about some people in this country than the FELON.
he’s surrounded by billionaires- how much did it take to pay off the judge?
Being that they couldn't run the nation if they were in court/jail all the time. It's not a law. It's not in the constitution. It IS a travesty.
Merchan stated he planned on an unconditional discharge -means he would avoid prison, fines or probation.
Absolutely no repercussions, so why would he bother?
So again, I ask:
What good will it do?
wtf 🤬 nothing will happen
Judge Merchan should be on the Supreme Court & he could do a wayyyyy better job than the 5 worthless, corrupt ones that Trump bought.
🤣🤣🤣🤣 I love it
Unless Judge Merchan levies some sort of prison time associated with sentencing (he likely will not) that is due to remand immediately after тЯцмф's term ends. #LockHimUp
At least something hasn't gone totally pear shaped.
An abuser will always abuse you as much as you will tolerate. Trump used
Americans fear of pain/discomfort to intimidate them into allowing him to do whatever he wanted.
And so here we are, the pain continues and the abuse goes on. Fear and intimidation.
Let's see what he gets.
If I were him I would sue to get his case overturned.
I have a feeling he setting the stage to be a martyr