I'm a straight, white man who has been an ally of the LGBT movement since 1976 and, honestly, I thought she was already dead. Like, sometime last year.
Anyway, the pie in the face in Iowa was pretty cool.
I always thought it was a strange topic to be so passionate about if she was a straight white woman.
I always suspected she was conflicted between her faith and he personal struggles or she was hurt by someone who ended up being gay...a spouse or a sibling, parent, former lover.
I thought she died like a year ago, or have I been the victim of the Mandella effect?!?
Mandella effect or no, it couldn't have happened to a worse person.
She and Harvey Milk fought on opposite sides of the same issues at the same time… She was a conservative woman activist opposing a lot of of the Gloria Steinem and “women’s lib“ efforts. She was also a former beauty queen, I think.
Not a good person when you’re trying to send very vulnerable very brand new to the “out of the closet” World. Imagine spending your life trying to reduce rights that other people have and the protections that other people were afforded according to the constitution
He would put a cryogenically frozen monster in his cabinet if he could… In a heartbeat. He’d rather have a powerful position go unfilled and have a deputy running things, if it means getting an opportunity to perform a publicity stunt. Anita Baker Secretary of Backstage at Beauty Pageants
She had to watch so many people fight for and win civil rights and social except that she didn’t want them to have and it makes me feel good in every possible fashion… It is a very thorough warmth. I am feeling right now.
Anyway, the pie in the face in Iowa was pretty cool.
I always suspected she was conflicted between her faith and he personal struggles or she was hurt by someone who ended up being gay...a spouse or a sibling, parent, former lover.
Mandella effect or no, it couldn't have happened to a worse person.