You’re totally right! It really depends, we’re all so extremely different. Fermented foods are my go to, whereas things like coffee and beans don’t do much to me. My colon also laughs at any kind of power like miralax or whatever. It loves its sour/ spicy foods I guess lmao
My colon is oversensitive to Miralax. However, it isn't phased by most spicy foods as well as coffee unless it's being grouchy, in which case they can instantly give me the runs.
Likely eggs haven’t betrayed me yet, but milk? Yikes. Had to give up whole milk not long ago, now I just stick to almond and oat if I have to use a lot of it. And I’m definitely not alone…many folks I know around my age (late 20s) can’t handle it like we used to.
However, there is a huge list, and what works best depends on the person.
Coffee, Curry, Lentils, Beans, Kimchi, Kraut, Olives (or their oil), Brown Sugar, Apples, Oatmeal, and various whole grains are popular options.
The same goes with eggs, strangely.