Dear Spotify users,
Spotify platforms Joe Rogan, who repeatedly has on members of the oligarchy who are dead set on killing your livelihoods. Every month of your subscription money goes towards allowing these people to spread their hate and misinformation across the world.
Spotify platforms Joe Rogan, who repeatedly has on members of the oligarchy who are dead set on killing your livelihoods. Every month of your subscription money goes towards allowing these people to spread their hate and misinformation across the world.
Doesn't mean paying YT is better than Spotify, but I feel customer value is better in YT Premium.
"Being vegan is not enough! Why are you still shopping at a store that sells meat??"
Enlarging the circle of complicity dilutes impact on your target. Spotify won't know you left because of Rogan. They'll just see declining listenership for left-wing content.
Lol, that doesn't matter, you morons. You give power to a platform through subscriptions that then goes on to put some of the most deceptive voices through their worldwide megaphone.
I had already soured on them after they killed off the Car Thing, so I was already starting to pack my bags last summer.
I don’t touch google or target anymore, but since I choose not to keep a car I have succumbed to Amazon grocery delivery 1-2 since canceling (since it’s not run out yet)
I think as long as you can say you try in good faith that’s all that counts