If you know even a tangential bit about tech, this will rightly terrify you.
Reposted from
Josh Marshall
So on this question of “doxing” of Musk gizmocrats, I was talking to staffers to today detailing one of the gizmocrats who is largely on his own rewriting the code base of one of the US governments most mission critical computer systems. And as it was described to me the staff programmers …
Especially because we don't know how good this kid is, whether he even listens to code reviews, or just thinks he's hot shit.
I think we expected that our government was too big and self-preserving to simply become an M&A target for the whims of a single billionaire.
as the daughter of someone who was a COBOL programmer at the SSA, just the mere concept of a techbro attempting to rewrite that mainframe code is a bleakly hilarious concept
All I wanted was a little travel trailer. See some nice places. Festivals, that sort of thing. *Do* something in my sunset years...
...dammit, depressed now.
1) Draconian code controls and multi-week QA cycles. This is the way if you want 100% uptime
2) This programmer is now a loadbearing part of this code. He will need to solve bugs in real time, working 20 hour days, for literally years.
Neither gonna happen here, so it's all gonna get broke
Our cyberstructure is stupidly fragile.