I hope it does go down and I hope we make sure every fucking Republican in Congress and Senate and the fucking stupid fucking felon in the White House gets fucked because of it everybody turn on them!
There is no bipartisanship. It's always us giving everything away. They will never work for bipartisanship. Democrats need to be as terrified of their base as Republicans are.
Anyone that paid attention,
if Trump was elected, predicted the crash of the US economy.
Including higher grocery prices.
For 29 months straight, we had great job growth & reduction in inflation under Biden!
Feb. 25 Job report will end to the 29 month + job growth.
I miss Joe/Harris!
MAGA. we told🫵!
And mind you, they fear primaries, losing re-election, and taking cushy private jobs—yet feel nothing when Trump, through Musk, illegally fires workers left with nothing. They impose suffering without thought but tremble at facing it themselves. Fear makes them unfit to serve. Cowards.
Resignation from elected office may be taken as resignation from this mortal coil, to be concluded in a hotel room with a “suicide” note that says “NO FOUL PLAY WHATSOEVER,” cuz that’s 💯 normal.
My point stands. Resign if you cannot or will not uphold your duty to the country and the Constitution. Public office is a responsibility granted by the people, not an entitlement. It carries an obligation to serve with integrity. Failing that, stepping down is not just appropriate, it is necessary.
Big challenge to the team of moral cowardice, avarice & sadism: let’s see how these high-minded principles play with Big Balls, Little Himmler & the CluckleCuck Orchestra.
But the rich are still going to make money off of it. They saw what the market did last month when tariffs were supposed to go into place. This time, they planned for it and are shorting the stocks while millions lose money.
I can only think the moderates are waiting for one moderately brave individual to start an attack. I'm not seeing any.
If one did, it would be like one drop of blood in piranha infested water.
Yep this is how you make America Great again. Sink the market, piss off your neighbors, increase the price of goods. This is winning? Hate to see losing you Republican cowards. This is why Dems always have fix things because your ideas break America. You can’t govern.
good point. hopefully the non voters get mutative by watching their 401k get smashed while they are going to pay much much more for goods due to Trump tariff inflation!
Both parties are wealthy, when the stock market collapses they will buy all of our homes for Pennie’s on the dollar and rent it back out to us. All part of the plan
What the fuck can they do? They aren’t in charge. Remember when leftists wouldn’t vote for them?! Well here we are. Now you’re begging them to do something.
That's some absolute standard centrist b.s. right there - blaming the leftists. You'd think they would figure something out like the Republicans always manage to do and not sit on their hands. The future of the country depends on it and "wait for the next election" is national suicide.
Only 1 party to speak out and only the democratic women patriots and a few strong men are between us and Anarchy. There no longer is a Republican party it has been replaced by the MAGA REPUBLICAN CULT led by an 🍊 Imbicle, JD numbnuts, Mike the evangelical white christian WHIMP and Ketomine Ken.
Their brokers are standing by to snap up every single thing as the prices dip. They want to own everything, every house, business, farm, and industry.
Crashing the market is for the acquisition broligarchs
Mike Johnson is a Christian Nationalist. They are looking forward to the end of times. Buzz on the street is the evangelicals are upping the chatter on end of times crap
Always good to know that the stock market has got nothing to do with the real economy, so world will continue to spin when some wealthy investors loose some money.
I am sure it is Democrats being blackmailed by their silenced, and by not walking out with Rep Green not Standing United says it all! We Move Forward a 🇺🇸Renewed Resistance Democrats🇺🇸 the (People have the Power) it is all about Elections & Vote😁
I'll admit I am a coward I wouldn't stand up to trump but I won't hang around betraying the country, the world, any principle known to human kind and continue to take the people's while destroying their lives
They cheered and clapped for him at the SOTU instead. Cancelled town halls, and Trump is claiming he will target protestors next.
Not one spine among the GOP.
If literally nothing I said was true, why is it the Democratic Party is failing to raise any money? Why is it their usual corporate donors aren't giving money? Why are their usual small dollar donors giving any money? The Democratic National Comittee is in a significant financial crunch.
Their usual big dollar donors see that Dems ain't gonna do anything. Small dollar donors see that Dems ain't doing enough beyond pretty speeches. So, yeah, the overwhelming public is of the same mindset as me. They know the Dems are complicit.
No, we are in this mess because both sides are kowtowing to tyranny. Dems COULD have stopped this but they refused or failed. Even now, they're trying to work with the Nazi scourge. It is both sides. Ignore it at your own peril.
The key difference between tRump and Hitler is that we have (had) a strong economy. Do you think this is his strategy now? To tank the economy in order to create more “victims” who will support him? It has always been his MO. Create chaos, blame others, portray himself as savior, rinse, repeat.
It is deliberate.
Republicans are only into this for money and power and revenge
if Trump was elected, predicted the crash of the US economy.
Including higher grocery prices.
For 29 months straight, we had great job growth & reduction in inflation under Biden!
Feb. 25 Job report will end to the 29 month + job growth.
I miss Joe/Harris!
MAGA. we told🫵!
They fear retaliation from the mob boss.
Seems he’s right on schedule there.
Of course without jobs, we won’t be able to buy those cheaper groceries, but who’s counting?
If one did, it would be like one drop of blood in piranha infested water.
Just sayin'
Something smells like a bad rat 🐀
I'm calling them "paid crisis extras."
No house
No senate
A republican biased DoJ
The stay at home democrats caused this PERIOD
The stock market is Vegas for politicians. Trump is an incompetent loser.
Crashing the market is for the acquisition broligarchs
Half the house are invertebrates
Not one spine among the GOP.
Trans people are afraid too
These bozos have the power to do something about it and also the privilege to be able to afford personal security
They took an oath upon assuming office to the Constitution
Those that side idly by are as much traitors as the active Nazis