they know removing bike lanes won't improve traffic, they know cyclists will get hurt, they know it will cost an obscene amount of money to remove them. we have receipts for all of this. but doug ford needs wedge issues for his upcoming election campaign, so they did it anyway
Reposted from
Robert Zaichkowski
A sad day for cyclists in Toronto, Ottawa, and across Ontario. Third Reading of Doug Ford's anti bike lane Bill 212 passed 66 to 27. We must keep fighting including organizing to #VoteFordOut when the election comes! #shame #BikeTO #ottbike #TOpoli #ONpoli #VisionZero
*I'm an American
Wow, that sucks. I mean I remember him from smoking crack like 30 years ago so it's a little surprising he's still an elected official LOL
Well, too late now, he's forever the other guy to me
lol that was his brother Rob, who passed away. Doug is not any better. fun fact: he used to be a drug dealer
DoFo is a corrupt POS.
This legislation needs to be challenged.
Resident of Lakeview, cause he already f*cked my municipality.