The next generation of this locally-produced car commercial should have video of Trump doing his fist dance with the mannequin. And some YMCA music. Always a winner.
I just submitted a tip to the FBI tip line about the crime we witnessed yesterday by Trump and Musk violating several laws to boost Tesla stock prices. I would suggest everyone do the same.
What we all want to see on the White House lawn. You may as well tell everyone there is a circus there and bring out the orange Cheeto and his Cheetets.
If the Teslas were really parked on the water-saturated lawns at the WH, they’ll probably need a Ford or GM truck to come rescue the Teslas stranded on the lawns.
😂😂. 🍊🐷 & Pres. MusKetamine creating their own Tesla lot today at the WH—for an almost-80-year-old man who doesn’t drive & probably doesn’t even have a driver’s license. The inflatable tube man 😂😂.
A lady with a cross necklace talking about cutting a billion dollars of food going to schools.. I can’t even compute how disgusting and blasphemous that is
Hitler with Ferdinand Porsche, the Austrian engineer and founder of the car company that would later become Porsche. Hitler was promoting the development of the Volkswagen (“people’s car”). Porsche was instrumental in designing the Volkswagen Beetle, which was heavily supported by the Nazi regime.
Pimping the White House to sell more cars for the chief executive's biggest donor. They're going to have to perform an exorcism of that building to rid it of all this putrefaction -- if Trump ever leaves it.
Violations of: 31 U.S.C. § 1301(a), 5 C.F.R. 2635.704 , 5 C.F.R. § 2635.702, 5 C.F.R. § 2635.705(a), and others.
Elon brought
Tesla’s $100 Million
Test Crash Dummy
To the White House today.
I guess $20 billion in net worth loss and seeing your German Teslas being molotov cocktailed will make ya do some funny stuff, huh??
Trump's Library will have table dances.
Post-ignition ⤵️
Come on down for deals the likes of which no one has ever seen.
Every sale comes with a free fire extinguisher.
We have a used car salesman squatting in our White House!