I appreciate the effort but why the time limits? Buying from these places is not okay now. It seems especially silly to stop buying from them and then start again. No Amazon. No Target. Not again. Unless and until they stop colluding with fascists, it’s blood $
Amazon needs to be boycotted as well. Amazon treats employees with total disregards to health and well being. Amazon is building distribution centers all over the country for the sole purpose of controlling all retail sales. Boycott Amazon
This is stupid and useless. People will boycott one week and then buy the next. The ONLY way to succeed is to completely boycott Amazon, Facebook, and Instagram. Stop using and delete accounts. That HAS to be the messaging otherwise this is a performance exercise that is a joke.
We need to double down and double the dates. So two weeks each boycott. And have designated places we can direct others to alternative. Also Costco delivers! We can do this! Our power is in their pocketbooks. Let’s make them cry.
Why would you ever pre-announce end dates for a boycott?? Why would Bezos or his board care literally at all about one bad week if you announce you'll let up by the next? Clear message. Pick one or two main targets. Don't let up until goal is achieved. That's a boycott.
I support conscious spending, however, boycotting companies that removed DEI is about hurt feelings. Other stores sell pride, BHM, with Maga and confederate gear. & aren’t boycotted. The message ends up being that they should’ve never supported DEI to begin with. Is this the message we want to send?
How about we just boycott all these companies always? Not on particular dates but always! There are alternate companies that are just as good or better than these listed. We should never again give any of our hard earned money to them.
I am on a 4 year boycott. I will only purchase essentials at local shops. My new ADA house has been put on hold for 4 years. If something breaks, I will repair it instead of replacing the item.
These types of boycotts don't work. Just stop buying shit yall don't need. If you need something, find it local. Doing one on one day and another on the next day doesn't make any sense. Anyone still buying from mega corporations and still par w capitalism just doesn't care regardless.
Been doing that! It's not that hard. One day or one week isn't going to do it. New normal without these is mostly doable. If not just limit your spending.
But Koch is a subtle and slippery beast. They make many things that go in other things. So buy organic food to avoid their fertilizers. Buy natural fiber clothes to avoid their petroleum based fibers like Lycra. Avoiding plastics hurts their bottom line. Support single use plastic bans.
I’ve got them all on permanent boycott. Yes, it is working. It’s not easy to tell in 6 weeks; try 6 months. It gets more powerful like interest compounding over time. But check how much wealth just Musk, Zuckerberg, and Bezos have lost since they let their ugly faces hang out on Inauguration Day.
Our house hasn’t had an Amazon delivery in over two months and not missing it! I used to see their delivery vans everywhere, traffic seems way down lately.
Nestle is hard to boycott. You may be purchasing many of their products under other brand names like Starbucks, Novartis, Maybelline, Coffee-Mate, Purina, Häagen-Dazs, ... the whole f*ckin supermarket worldwide.
Get out of here with the blackout weeks. It should be an indefinite blackout until there’s change. You can live without things from all of these companies.
Easy for me. I'll just have to check what I get from General Mills. I've been boycotting Amazon and all things Bezos for years, Walmart for a year or so, Target recently and from the list I saw of Nestle products probably years for them as well. BUT CAN WE SAY ALL THINGS BEZOS, NOT JUST AMAZON.
DIY! If you have a yard, grow something. Bulk contents for DIY soap, laundry detergent. Rural areas actually have benefits condensed cities and suburbs do not. If I lived rural, I'd never step foot in a retailer store! If you have farms around you, shop them. Get creative. Think outside the box.
Glad to see no first- or end-of-month boycotts. This is when a lot of barely making it people get their checks and can finally buy food. Feb 28 was a mistake.
Why don’t we just boycott all off them. I am boycotting all of them since they donated to trump’s election. And Chicfila for over 8 years as well as hobby lobby and Salvation Army.
Not a dime!!
Local shopping works great
How about we just Boycott these businesses every day. that’s the only way we will have a profound effect on them. I know it’s inconvenient, but it’s necessary!
I just searched Nestle brands and whew! There are a lot of them that don’t say Nestle except in the small print. So if you want to participate in the buycott, it is mostly NOT chocolate.
Boycott them all as much as possible. I've been boycotting Nestle for a few years now. Do you realize how many products they own? Hard but not impossible to boycott them all.
I’ve never been a fan of Walmart myself. Don’t like how they treat their employees either. Target was my preferred alternative, stopped going there too.
Crunch Nestlé Quik
And...according to their CEO, there is "no right to water".
Nestlé 's egregious conduct reaches back many, many decades: duplicitous marketing of infant formula, especially in African countries.
I have saved almost 3000 dollars since January. Only buying food and gas. No extra purchases. Using surplus products, not doing any of my retail therapy.
I would sincerely like to hear how it's "not possible" to not do business with every company on this list. We've been doing it for years now and have a hard time believing others can't as well.
Totally get that. Aside from streaming services... (hard for me to give up Twitch just because Amazon bought it)... people can absolutely not shop at Walmart, Amazon, et al, and absolutely do not have to buy a single thing from Nestle or General Mills, et al. Claims otherwise are 100% BS.
In order for boycotting to work, it has to be ongoing and consistent. If you haven’t already stopped spending $ @anti-Democratic corporations, begin today…all of them everywhere at once.
I do have issue with General Mills. They have been in the forefront on DEI stuff for years and have not stopped with Trump. As a company, they seem to be reasonably progressive for a massive company.
Literally doing all of these every day with the exception of Honey Nut Cheerios. Sure I can find an off brand at my local grocery store. Thanks for sharing the list!
lol so I gave up my Amazon prime account for my last birthday. I don’t shop at any of the other stores at all. I buy needed furniture from thrift / second use stores. I make my own clothing and shop small and local for my groceries. This is the Normal for me. Though I fully support the boycotts.
Hope it rains heavily before the 4th of July. The local rednecks will try and overcompensate and burn half the state down to show how "patriotic" they are. We should all fly the flag at half mast that day. Upside down.
SO EASY to do. And also see if there’s a local #TimeBank. And consider using services like https://simbi.com/ (ask me about a referral link if you’d like to give me credit.) Consider bartering. DEFINITELY MOVE YOUR MONEY FROM CORPORATE BANKS into Credit Unions or Community Banks!
It’s time to BOYCOTT EVERYTHING! And keep boycotting for the next four years! Keep your purchases to a minimum and buy local if at all possible. Try to embrace a simpler life, save your money, pay down debt, and invest overseas. Your country and your wallet will thank you.
"On August 26, 1765, a mob marched on the Boston home of Thomas Hutchinson, who barely escaped before the rioters arrived. The mob ransacked the house, smashed furniture, destroyed the home’s cupola, and even tore down interior walls in the house"
-this is what happened to King George III's cronies.
1) If you have already been boycotting for X amount of time, the you continuing to not buy - is going to make zero difference for the current boycott. The companies are already not seeing money from you.
There is a lot of almost bullying going on, from people who believe that it is super easy to just boycott everything permanently, who are clearly unaware that there are many people who can't *buy locally* for any number of reasons, including cost, transport and health (ability).
Additionally, boycotting "forever" or for the next 4 years, is just going to put people out of work. Conditions are not great at places like Amazon, sure, but for people living paycheck to paycheck - are you really saying that you are OK - making people homeless?
I’ve been avoiding Target and Amazon for a while now. I’ve never been much of a Walmart shopper. Most of my shopping is at Costco for pantry and freezer items and local smaller chain markets for fresh food because they have better quality available like a butcher, local produce & artisan breads.
I agree! Every dollar is a vote. Even the poorest among us (and there are many) can and should leave their mark. Squeeze them hard and let them know that it’s the people who rule here.
Agree. What’s a week long boycott going to do? It’s gotta be until the oligarchy is gone. I haven’t been spending at these companies for far longer than a week
Fuck it man. Always boycott and just shop at Costco for everything. They take care of their employees, their quality is outstanding. What’s not to love.
Do it long-term. Look at what happened to target. We can make that happen for Amazon. If people could eliminate using Meta, it would happen for Zuck. Where we spent our dollars as perhaps the lowest choice we have right now. They need our money.
Is there any evidence that these boycotts have had any effect *at all*? E.g., Amazon stock went down, Target changed its policies? It seems that boycotting a company for a week is useless. Why not boycott these companies permanently? If they've bent the knee, why ever shop there?
How ‘bout a CONSTANT BOYCOTT of these businesses (and, frankly, more than just them)!? Not buying things from them for a week here or there is like saying “I’ll stop buying clothes made with slave labor all next week!”
This is what works! We can all participate by deciding where to spend our money. Only spend if you absolutely need to, you will be rewarded with more money in your bank account. It feels great to know that we are all working together for the greater good!
also boycott as many as you can all at once all the time. personally i live in a tiny rural town where groceries are only at walmart or 25mi away... some of us dont have options. don't feel bad if you dont have options. do what you can. join your local resistance. Indivisible is a good org to join.
I've been boycotting all of them and then some for a while. At the moment, I'm only shopping farmers markets and Kirkland brands. I'll add products as I investigate more.
Why not boycott ALL of these corporations ALL the time??
It is not that hard to do. Many options abound if you just look for them and make different choices.
It's not hard to do until you need something for the house and the only 3 options are Walmart,Target or Amazon. I do love being told by well heeled, over educated, city dwellers that its 100% the responsibility of the guy who needs a bottle of dish soap to stop the rise of fascism.
Sorry to hear you only have 3 options. I have no idea what that is like. So if those 3 disappeared, you would have no where to shop? That is horrendous. I am in a rural area (zero big stores). I buy at locally owned businesses. I'll fight for you.
Call me when you are hustling up a blue collar living,taking care of a parent with dementia while also managing person health struggles. But I'm sure Bezos is squirming in the belly of his 417 foot yacht. Enough performative activism.
There's always an alternative, sometimes it just needs a little effort.
And planning your shopping for your household needs also helps. Fewer trips and lower temptation for impulsive extras also benefits, and even if you still go to those places, you hurt them a bit.
Can't wait for people to boycott Facebook and Instagram, since we're boycotting Amazon and Tesla, let's be done with all things related to Zuckerberg too!
#BOYCOTTAMAZON everyday! And Meta too! The leaders of these companies have shown that they are willing to use their platforms to spread right-wing propaganda. BOYCOTT THESE BITCHES FOREVER! BRING THEM DOWN!
Boycott evil!
#50501movement #FiftyFiftyOne #PeoplesMovement #NoKings #ImpeachTrump
But they're not the ones spending billions to promote fascism.
So by your logic, we shouldn't boycott anyone because the workers feel differently than the 💰
I'm going a step further and boycotting every red state product I can. The list is short, and I will miss bourbons, bit not that much!
Boycott all of them until trump is out.
Ask me if I’m joking.
Please take a moment to check this LONG list.
Not a dime!!
Local shopping works great
And...according to their CEO, there is "no right to water".
Nestlé 's egregious conduct reaches back many, many decades: duplicitous marketing of infant formula, especially in African countries.
Realize it might not be possible for some, but for anyone who can, all of these companies should be completely avoided.
But for example, if someone has an active YouTube channel where they broadcast, they have no choice to be connected to Google.
There are limits of course. I’d like to skip iOS and Android and get a Linux phone, but these are not available easily here.
Meta for example, I work for a company that is active on those platforms, so I still interact, but through them. My accounts are gone.
$$$$ are your only effective votes.
Boycott all billionaires.
META accounts - FB, Instagram - text or call your grandkids instead of putting them on the internet for a bunch of trackers to follow.
X account(s) - same as above
DO NOT SUPPORT companies advertising on the above.
-this is what happened to King George III's cronies.
1) If you have already been boycotting for X amount of time, the you continuing to not buy - is going to make zero difference for the current boycott. The companies are already not seeing money from you.
More concerning though is #2 (following)
Just be mindful of the reasons that people can't be as involved as others, and the results of long term boycotting.
Yet, these protests aren't that silly, if they go loud enough there will be impact and awareness will be raised.
Also remember: even good retailers may be selling products from bad actor brands. Inform yourself.
we need to withdraw our savings
that'll scare tf out of some folks
Nestelle Toulouse cookies all week.
You would reach more people, when you add a good description into the Alt-text field.
That is pretty easy, especially, when your image just contain text.
This way, you support visually impaired people and everyone else, who rely on a good filled Alt-text.
Much easier than keeping a schedule!
They are getting it and losing millions of dollars!
*Please* use your privilege by boycotting these brands 24/7/365.
We’ve completely restructured our household buying in order to do so & will keep it up for those who can’t.
It is not that hard to do. Many options abound if you just look for them and make different choices.
And planning your shopping for your household needs also helps. Fewer trips and lower temptation for impulsive extras also benefits, and even if you still go to those places, you hurt them a bit.
#ShopLess #ShopWisely