She is soooo brilliant! She was the first person to make me as a white person look hard and good at myself and society. This was in the mid 1970's. I'm in my 60's now and so thankful for all she taught me!!
Much like my women’s church club meeting. Grousing about taxes when somehow 3 women brought Blacks into it! The rest of us sat like dummies while they blathered how easy Blacks have it with jobs, housing, education, etc,. until a voice quietly said, ‘But aren’t you glad you’re not Black’?! Silence!
Wow, unbelievable, but we all know there is racial disparity in every neighborhood, church, school, business,etc. We have a unique opportunity to engage strangers with a smile and the greeting of the day. Will we change the world, probably not. CHANGE A LIFE, A GOOD POSSIBILITY 😎
I like your posts & reposts, so I'm following you. Check out my daily 🧵of editorial cartoons, pinned to my profile, to see if you want to follow me back.
Take care. Stay chill. 💙 (Or warm, as the case may be.)
~ Jane Elliott is our "National Treasure" and What she has stood for in 50+ years of being against Racism, It should of been taught in Schools and Colleges for Decades ~
A white male protestant paternal ideology, exploiting the Bible, pushes genetic & gender superiority.
Sound familiar?
The Gen 4 KKK leader is a birther, rapist, & serial adulterer who says women should be punished for health care choice.
Let that sink in!
White folk should do that before asserting their well intended but mis-aimed arrogance.
Take care. Stay chill. 💙 (Or warm, as the case may be.)
And this is with an audience that self-selects to be in her audience in the first place.
She should have a prime time show. At the very least, her lessons should have taught from kindergarten thru 12th.