I don’t mean this in a dunky dickhead sort of way but the president who had higher approval ratings than Christ tried to use AIDS to exterminate the LGBT community in the 80s and I feel like we should talk about this more.
Reposted from
Bryan Edward Stone (שָׁלוֹם)
In fact, to be an anti-LGBTQ GenXer today, you pretty much have to have slept through the 80s. That whole culture decade was androgynous through and through.
Been there since I was a teenager, and my mom told me how sad she thought it was that a gay man couldn't visit his partner in the hospital.
There is no compromise that doesn't consider the full humanity of all people.
He supports puberty blockers and hormones for children under psychiatric care. His issue is with self affirmation being sufficient to obtain such treatments, and only in minors.
Saying you didn't like Hollywood Goldwater was getting-shunned behavior in lots of places
Like, "How dare you think I'm fucking my gay lover whomst I live with?" denials, but Biden leapfrogs him!
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