For heaven’s sake if media fails to understand the contours of the First Amendment, we are left with “the Constitution according to Elon,”annotated w/100 tweets a day to 200 million people worldwide. The entire premise of Elon’s heroic status is ignorance. Just like his anti-fraud crusade.
I have to wonder if that undermines that privately owned platform defense to assertions of 1st Amendment violations on the same platform that reports government activity.
This is true as a general rule. Serve the powerful, get the gold; anger the mighty, get the shaft.
Social media made their own calls.
I wonder if those German prosecutors made that point, only for CBS to cut it because it contradicted the purpose of this piece.
(Why doesn’t CBS post all video?)
If the *government* said this, the First would step in.
There's a difference between free speech and promotion of hate.
This is the post that fuelled my exit.
The subhumans who pull their strings (like Leonard Leo) are not stupid, but Guyliner Shillbilly is a moron who thinks he's smart--just like Pussy Ass Bitch.
This is not nearly as purposeful or planned as you seem to think.
...just on that, consider that this is...this is in the Netherlands (👀 *blink*):
They give unwarranted presumption of good faith even when details of a story show the likely plunder, extortion, etc
I’ve commented to them a lot the last 10 years that we value their explicit protections in 1A more than they do.
Legacy & corporate media have turned on America.