We need to end Citizens United and most other PACS. Then we need a full investigation into these new MAGAs and all Republican senators and the Supreme Court. Graft, even if widespread, is illegal. This time, let the punishment fit the crime.
You skipped a few steps. Have you considerd how we woulg get from where we are right now. To a point where what your suggesting might realistically get implemented
A lot of them are bought, I'll agree with that. *Cough* Pelosi, for example.
But not all. There's actual humans in there too, fighting against it. Don't buy that lie, it's in their interest that we think we have no allies in places of power.
That's where we disagree, but I do think a BIG rebranding of what dem means, is in order. In theory I'm not against it, but making a new party in reality is more chaos than the situation can handle rn, I'd hate to see what that would look like irl, especially for the most vulnerable populations.
Here, let me help: your grandparents invented slavery in africa. Thank white Americans for ending it as a world instutition, else your people will remain to be seen as an ungrateful, unwelcome plague.
Yup. You don’t hand over your lunch money to a bully. You STAND UP AND PUNCH HIM IN THE NOSE.🤬 Schumer and his 9 complicit losers literally just gave away our lunch money. Time for a new Democratic leadership in the Senate is right now.
Corporate Dems like Schumer are digging their political graves by catering to Wall Street donors over voters. I just wish they weren’t so determined to learn this the hard way. Grassroots organizers have gotten much better than DNC at campaigning. Primary season is gonna be a real eye-opener.
I will only say, it could have been worse. With 34-felon/Musk, that's about as much as we can expect, imho. We could be in shutdown, which would have given the id10ts free rein for as long as 34-felon wanted it.
I guess you wanted martial law?
You don't think the 1st felon is already trying to shut down the govt?
You think he'd ever open them again?
You want midterms controlled by the tiny fed govt he'd keep going?
The fact that the two Senators from Maryland, whose constituents have the biggest stake in a functional government, voted against cloture says everything.
The others? Complete cowardly craven capitulation.
Facts. I am a newly unemployed MD resident surrounded by no longer employed friends and neighbors thanks to chump and Pres. musk-rat. The DMV is going to be devastated by this. What a betrayal.
I’m really sorry for you and your friends and neighbors. I’m also in MD, I am retired but seeing the ripple effects. It’s terrible and this capitulation is infuriating.
I agree. I’m almost 65 and I am always saying we NEED you get people. These old farts need to learn their place and it’s in a rocking chair on their porch.
I am also speechless (disgusted) that Mary Bruce + David Muir framed vote as only
"Govt shutdown" issue
Not bothering to mention ALL the cuts re Vets, Medicare/Medicaid etc
@schumer.senate.gov + co
Joined w/GOP to approve.
This lack of at-stake reporting (since 2016) is how we got here.
you just said the only thing that anyone who loves our country can say, Sherrilyn. i'm a Boomer from the early 50's and just cannot grasp almost anything of the enormity of the heartbreak i'm feeling exponentially on a daily crisis basis.
The entire #Project2025 agenda should have left this country speechless, yet half the country said "Give us more covid, science deniers, folks who will take all rights from us..the list goes on!
It sure wasn’t. Not only did Trump and Republicans get the win, but now Dems are turning on each other. The party is divided. I’m not sure how it gets any worse, but I think we are about to find out. There is no opposition party right now.
MOST Dems are on the same page. It's the old guard who "know better" than the rest of us who need to go. We tell them what they want and they do whatever suits them.
It opens us up for worse. We now can't go to the courts. The gaslighting,"lesser of two evils" has highly upset. People who have never been between a rock & a hard place using phrases they don't understand while voting for harm.
I think we’re all feeling the same. It was the worst night since WWII began and we all thought we had friends.
Be careful who you trust and take a break 🕊️
. . . is it possible that Billionaire businesses never knew that government does not exist to make money; but rather, government exists to spend money collected from we who are serviced by our "of, by, and for" people's government. Stop "Privatization!"
Democrats that don't call for new leadership were being performative and shouldn't be trusted either.
If someone isn't willing to take huge personal/professional risks to save the Republic then they need to get out of the way of those that will.
By time this is over Schumer will have presided over the dismantling and selling off of many divisions of the US government without a whimper and that will be his legacy.
I'm having trouble seeing the point it continuing to vote for Dems unless there is a clear out of current leadership. I would vote for a party led by fighters like AOC. I will not for a party that refuses to get rid of the filibuster when in power, then also refuses to use it when not in power.
The consequences of the elections in April,for 3 House seats are so pivotal. We can push back from Trump aggression attack on stability. Democracies on the line we take the house back we can be a real pain in the ass for this guy.We need to stop him now, his behavior,actions are harmful to all of us
I'm feeling it too. I thought at least if all Dems voted NO, then we'd have recourse with the judiciary. But now we don't. Judges will say: "you voted for this."
I’m retired now. And after today, I don’t think I’ll ever vote for another Democrat or a Republican. I feel like I did when I voted for Ross Perot and Nader.
Disabled here too, and I'm with you on beginning to truly question if I'll be here in another four years...or even another one. It just slaps that much harder the ones we're supposed to depend on to fight for us roll over for fascists so they can go on a fuckin book tour.
That word "powerless" is perhaps the best one to use if we're summing it up. Our bodies turned traitor on us and rendered us helpless to a system that now openly calls us "parasites". Powerless, helpless, and *furious* about it (that's a good one to add, too)
Really is a betrayal. I don’t even feel it’s realistic to pack a go bag right now. I’m barely up for picking up groceries most days and it feels like a victory when I do.
I told a friend that I don’t feel scared most of the time—I feel enraged.
To think, a hand full of people are turning a huge swath of American, Canadian, Mexican, European & asylum seekers’ lives upside down and making us all live in a high degree of uncertainty.
Sad that the "yes" Senators CHOSE not LISTEN
To their constituents. They didn't care that texts, calls, protests, were meant for them to listen and CARE.
They neglected the part "For the People."
In essence, they dictated THEIR own choices and not what the people wanted.
#Shameful 🤬
IMO the MAGA minority (4%} of Americans are full-speed ahead destructo - in the absence of a Democrat stepping up to physically stop them, this is "Runaway Train." And may well lead to increased violence.
I just went outside, drank a couple beers around sunset, and watched my chickens wander around the yard, appreciating the fact that they dgaf about politics. Because today wasn’t great.
The only thing bringing me any comfort is thinking Democrat party and new DNC leadership will follow through with primaries. It’s what should happen, though I’m not holding my breath.
Ten dems caved ! So now let the cuts happen. Your votes will be the end of our lives , the average American ! Remember…. Elections have consequences!!!
Let's be real look at the state Senate in Albany with the "Common Sense Caucus". Fuckers always have just enough swap votes to keep progressive bills from passing. It's not ten Dems it's "however many was necessary" Dems.
While it wasn't what Chuck should have done, it was not treason. He's just not who the Party needs now. He did it as not to give Republicans more power to do awful things. Do I agree? No. Big fat no. It isn't treason and it wasn't for the sake of kissing the ring.
I feel the same. Israeli intellectual Amos Oz in his book Against Fanaticism reminds us that political decisionism, the cult of immediate and non-negotiated decision-making, is both the antechamber and natural extension of fanaticism in all its forms. The great values and great anomalies of America.
I know hope is in short supply these days, but have you considered spite? A great low cost alternative and honestly "like hell I'll fucking roll over and die for these scumbags" is surprisingly effective at motivating.
It's a matter of calculation , strategy. Schumer should not be cast aside, like the Democrats did with President Biden, just because of a difference in strategy. He's been fighting hard for the lower and Middle classes for years. Dems seem to have more energy against their own than on Election Day.
It’s not good, and it shouldn’t have even been HARD. Nobody wanted a shutdown, but we can’t afford Senators that roll over when they need to do what’s right.
And it feels like it's getting worse every minute of every day. All the guardrails we thought were in place to further our Democratic way of life are no longer there. Even the "understanding" we had with our Democratic legislators is been seriously harmed by the betrayal of Schumer and Fetterman.
Schumer made a grave miscalculation of the moment.The consequences we face will result with or without a shutdown. He has further emboldened Trump/Musk,but worse he missed a HUGE opportunity to UNITE Dems, Veterans, regretful Trump supporters,& others to a fight with might a TRUE opposition movement
As a dude that's been trusting your posts, this from you raises my dread level...it is becoming inevitable that we are on the precipice of a seismic shift in what daily life is like in the country for nearly everyone.
Schumer is a corporate, right wing neoliberal who must be removed through any means possible. There are others as well.
The constant push to the right by the neoliberals must not only be stopped, but we must have a left wing party. Neoliberals are thieves.
Regroup. Flip seats , gen election.
Speak more to the people than to a party. Follow Bernie’s lead . Get others to do town halls . Listen to the people.
do we know who should replace him? instead of waiting for the ballot to come out at election time, we choose now, and we do everything in our power to make them win.
A wet paper bag would be better, so I'm less concerned about who the governor picks for now. We need someone, anyone in there willing to truly fight. And if we need someone even better than JB's pick, that's what the election is for in 2026. Assuming Trump hasn't just disbanded Congress altogether.
Who would have benefited the most about a government shut down? Elon or democrats. A government shutdown is mission accomplished for Elon. Not more judges funded.
Yesterday I said Schumer knew he had the YES votes before making his announcement. It was worse. Dem Senators colluded so that YES votes were cast by NO ONE RUNNING IN 2026. They were protected from being primaried. Chuckie got what he wanted & bets our rage is forgotten by 2028. I now trust NO ONE.
yeah, funny how Dems were willing to shut down the gov't in 2018 over border wall funding and Trump CAVED. Schumer is a modern day Benedict Arnold, he has betrayed America. Trump we knew was the enemy, this Vichycaucus are the real snakes.
The Dems gave the gop 10 votes tonight.
If they had needed 20 the Dems would have given them 20.
They are one party.
Call your senators. Only 10 total capitulated.
The House Reps are furious.
This is a moment we can actually get some change!!!
He did exactly as they would have if he wasn’t going to.
It was just his turn today.
They’re all in one party.
Stope pretending they’re not
But not all. There's actual humans in there too, fighting against it. Don't buy that lie, it's in their interest that we think we have no allies in places of power.
I’m not alone in saying Kamala Harris was the last vote the’yll be getting from me.
Start a new party or say goodbye to votes.
You don't think the 1st felon is already trying to shut down the govt?
You think he'd ever open them again?
You want midterms controlled by the tiny fed govt he'd keep going?
The others? Complete cowardly craven capitulation.
Brian Schatz 202-224-3934
Angus King 202-224-5344
Maggie Hassan 202-224-3324
Gary Peters 202-224-6221
Kirsten Gillibrand 202-224-4451
As stocks and Tesla sinks Trump is enjoying pulling the wings off of Elon, Bezos and Zuckerberg.
They wonder why they have turnout problems.
It’s the cowardice and a deeply unsettling leadership vacuum.
We are in a fight for our very lives and Democratic leadership cowers.
Afraid to take on Trump.
How could we allow this to happen?
Any of this Trump MAGA madness?
I was on the mall for all those original protests.
I’m worried for our safety this spring and summer.
The Old Guard used to be The Gang Of 8,
once in a land far far away,
the most trusted senior members of congress.
When the orange one compliments you…you know you’ve fucked up big time.
Way to go Chuck @schumer.senate.gov
I am also speechless (disgusted) that Mary Bruce + David Muir framed vote as only
"Govt shutdown" issue
Not bothering to mention ALL the cuts re Vets, Medicare/Medicaid etc
@schumer.senate.gov + co
Joined w/GOP to approve.
This lack of at-stake reporting (since 2016) is how we got here.
I blame Dems who chose misogyny and cowards who think a Government shutdown is worse than a Dictatorship!
Uneducated fools with short memories. Just @aoc.bsky.social and @repjasmine.bsky.social. Just them! All else suck! FU 🇺🇸!
Be careful who you trust and take a break 🕊️
If someone isn't willing to take huge personal/professional risks to save the Republic then they need to get out of the way of those that will.
this COULD have been an amazing moment to unite Democrats against prez elon et al.
Senate Democrats truly blew it.
The rest fought for us.
If I’m wrong, Chuck Schumer won’t be leader next week. But I bet he will
the mid-terms are in 18 months. we set our sights and we get to work. now.
Someone, please hold my paw. 🐾
I’m not sure I make it through 4 years with people like Elon, RFK Jr & DOGE at the helm.
I’m a fighter at heart, but today really sunk me.
It’s going to come down to us, isn’t it?
Tomorrow we reboot.
I wish I had something soothing or optimistic to end with but I can’t summon much up except to say you aren’t alone.
Stay safe & well. 💛
Felt like a gut punch to me too.
I went for a walk to clear my head and realized this just wasn’t going to clear.
I’m usually pretty good at bouncing back.
Hope this next period of time brings you to a better place medically. 💗
You summed it up so well.
I just keep typing and erasing… It’s painful to even put any of this into words.
I just hate feeling this powerless and at the mercy of these evil f*cks.
Really is a betrayal. I don’t even feel it’s realistic to pack a go bag right now. I’m barely up for picking up groceries most days and it feels like a victory when I do.
I told a friend that I don’t feel scared most of the time—I feel enraged.
To their constituents. They didn't care that texts, calls, protests, were meant for them to listen and CARE.
They neglected the part "For the People."
In essence, they dictated THEIR own choices and not what the people wanted.
#Shameful 🤬
Take a rest and then go back to fighting the good fight.
And then we’re taking on the other nine.
Spend all your energy getting revenge against a few Dems, fracture the left coalition more?
This is how GOP gets elected to write awful bills.
When the left eats their own, rightie vultures fly in.
This is going to be a long fight, please think strategically wise,
anger loses wars
Fixing a broken Senate is something Indie folks like me have been working towards for years
We do this by voting for who Best represents us, as Our [the demos in democracy] job in this USC/Representative Republic
Ex: pushing to end the filibuster +other extra-constitutional *rules* etc
He literally betrayed his country by opening yet another path to autocracy.
I'm not holding my breath again until we change Senate leadership
some rest will help!
The constant push to the right by the neoliberals must not only be stopped, but we must have a left wing party. Neoliberals are thieves.
#EndFascists #EndOligarchs #EndNeoliberals
Speak more to the people than to a party. Follow Bernie’s lead . Get others to do town halls . Listen to the people.
My sentiments exactly.