This. Touch grass. Take a few deep breaths. Stream “The Wild Robot” and have a piece of pie. Watch Planet Earth.
We fight again tomorrow. Non-violently. Don’t play yourself.
We fight again tomorrow. Non-violently. Don’t play yourself.
Reposted from
Jeff Sharlet
Anecdotal, but I'm definitely noticing an uptick in advocacy for violence here. About which I'll say only this: Promoting violence on social media is the work of trolls and fools, those eager to bait others into implicating themselves in the age of surveillance or fools rushing to the gulag.
do not give him the satisfaction
google "bloodless coup" for inspiration if you want
i don't find much value in being angry on social media or in shitting on people for not performing anger the "correct" way
and i _really_ don't see the value in advocating for violence in a public forum during the rise of a police state
Today was one of those times.
Much healthier outlet.
And a 60-minute Peloton ride is on the schedule for later today.
as long as we allow it to be
but nonviolence is always "sufficient" as long as we choose a specific definition of "sufficient"
nonviolence does not change things in the same way that violence does
nonviolence will not keep me out of jail or the hospital or the grave
but neither will violence
nonviolence is a personal decision
it does not purport to change anything external to the personal
Posts like this one 👇🏻are enraging
I would like to add to this: MAGA does not need martyrs or anything to justify their persecution complex. Create a cultural environment that gives their leaders zero room for sympathy.
God Bless You🙏🏻
Other things to do: go to an art museum, listen to Ella Fitzgerald, garden, walk in the woods.
+1 on "The Wild Robot" and pie (warm blueberry for me)!
An agent provocateur (French for 'inciting agent') is a person who
... actively entices another person to commit a crime
... that would not otherwise have been committed
... and then reports the person to the authorities.
We all participate in tyranny by operating its economy. We need violence against the economy. Shut down
See Erica Chenoweth and Maria Stephan, Why Nonviolent Civil Resistance Works
It's hard to get my mind around this, but we need brilliant pranksters as civil resistance leaders.
Taking my pup for a walk. We all need a break sometimes.
If we let our passions speak without restraint, we endanger ourselves and countless others.
Non-violence and rule of law is what we are defending.