This video contains a misleading statistic. Smoking is not the leading cause of preventable death in the US, that dishonour goes to vehicular collisions.
the biggest issue came from contaminated cannabis pens that were confused with nicotine ones. This caused things to go sideways, and public perception warped.
Sad thing? These were black market ones made with extract meant for TOPICAL use, containing vitamin E acetate.
I know they study the vapor part but are they studying the heating a metal coil in plastic? Where is the plastic coming from what’s in it?
Cigarettes: I light a plant in some paper outside sometimes & I know the risks.
Vapes: indoors, constant use, who even knows what it’s made of.
I get that it’s bad for me
Not convinced it’s worse than inhaling whatever chemicals scent the vapor, that was heated in plastic, by I don’t know what metal
Plastics leach into everything
Some metals = dangerous
When I smoke it’s Am Spirits so honestly yeah I do know what’s in there
That may be true of the cheap Chinese vapes sold in gas stations, but not of anything you get from a shop that actually cards their customers. My coils are all metal and natural fibers.
Get vapes in the bin. Inhaling into my lungs someone else's massive cloud of disgusting chemically strawberry and cream vape smoke that's been swirling around inside them makes me feel sick! If your a grown adult addicted to vaping you're a sad act.
Ethylene Glycol is a lot different from Propylene Glycol. One is used in cars, the other in food and pharmaceuticals. One is toxic, the other is FDA-approved.
It's definitely not the healthiest thing in the world, but just breathing the air in most cities is just as bad. We've really made a mess of things as a species.
That because it's "better" it means you should feel free to puff it out in any public transport or space. They're no longer for quitting smoking, their marketing is aimed at getting kids on them
Same. After decades of pack/day and countless quit fails, I tried vapes. Local shop offered custom nicotine levels. 1st week, I got a high dose (24mg I think). Each week, went down 2mg. Before long, I was at 0mg and never felt the loss. W/o the nic, I easily quit vapes too. Been quit for a decade+.
Almost the exact same story. I got to 0 nicotine, then I cut the flavor. I still keep it for concerts, when everyone is in the smoking area. I'm not tempted if I have my vape
Logically, it has the potential to be much safer than tobacco. Vape companies aren’t putting Acetaldehyde, Lead, Cadmium, Benzine and Ammonia in their liquids. On top of that, many vape companies have removed components after discovering what happens to them in the process of vaporization
Researchers haven’t been able to detail specifically the proportion of chemicals in each cartridge. And that’s the legal, US based companies. Most kids are buying their cartridges at convenience stores which buys them from the cheapest source, often the black market.
I quit smoking a year and a half ago and moved over to vaping via a juul, i quit that last month and am now nicotine free for the first time since I was 14. The vape made it so much easier
Former smoker also, vape helped me quit smoking 7 years ago and regulate and gradually decrease my nicotine intake until I gathered enough will to fully quit vaping itself over 2 years ago.
One thing people, smokers and non, need to make abundantly clear is that you shouldn't START either. If your lungs are clean, keep them that way. Don't do it as a "safer" way to emulate your friends/family. Just don't. It's still an addiction. But if you aren't ready to quit nic, there's a safer way
fun fact: smoking does NOT "dirty" your lungs. you know those blackened lungs they terrorize kids with? those were dyed sheep's lungs. unless they can smell smoke, a coroner cannot tell by looking at the lungs if someone smoked or not and in europe, smoker's lungs are fine for transplant.
I love my vapes. I also live an active life. The vape feeds my ADHD brain the nicotine it needs without subjecting me to the horrible smoke of cigarettes.
Nicotine can help with ADHD on a short term basis, at the expense that its effects get more minimal and the addition is even stronger than in those without ADHD.
So it's a terrible idea to take up nicotine if you have ADHD.
Sorry, but I'll take vape smoke to cigarette/cigar smoke any goddamn day of the year. One gives me instant headaches, the other does not. One makes me regret even being near someone who has used it, one doesn't. You shouldn't do either. But if your gonna do one, vape or gtfo.
All I'm saying is that of course inhaling stuff can be bad but that does not say much if you don't look at what exactly is being inhaled. And combustion creates so much more toxic things because the higher temperature sets up much more reactions.
I switched to vaping after 30 years (pack/day) & was able to wean off and quit fairly quickly.
I now use a pax for weed when I partake bc I LOVED smoking and don’t want to risk slipping up, even after 10+ years, the addiction to cigarettes is that pervasive.
Obvs nothing at all is better, but 🤷🏻♀️
I don’t know. I know the risks of cigarettes. Vapes involve heating up a metal coil in a plastic thing. And people use them everywhere- at work, in Starbucks, on the train. It seems they’re using more than cigarette users do.
I still smoke cigs occasionally. Bad habit from stagehand days. Mild
upper, smoke one on the loading dock.
I’m careful about what tobacco or cigarettes I buy. I go through about a pack a month. I know what the risks are. Some of the effects of plastics/metals in vapes may not be known for decades imo.
For a brief period there was a scare about vaping causing popcorn lung because of some flavors including an ingredient that is also in buttered popcorn flavoring but I don't believe that ingredient is still used in vapes. I don't personally vape anymore but they got that sorted out years ago.
We all are, truly. I stopped vaping because it certainly isn't healthy and I honestly question if it's healthier than cigarettes in the first place but on the matter of popcorn lung as far as vaping is concerned, it's a non-issue at this point.
You didn’t ask /me/ - but make a larger more drastic life change at the same time so you can attribute being miserable to *that* and not nic withdrawals. Lol. Like I went to the gym and started learning a really hard skill concurrently with my quitting
Mental aspect is honestly the hardest part cuz even to this day 6-7 years later I'll be gaming and out of habit after a match I'll go to reach for my vape every once in a while. The aspect of availability makes it dangerously addictive.
Oddly enough I had quit smoking cigarettes for years and told myself I wouldn't vape but it somehow got me. When I quit I basically did it cold turkey but I happened to get a bad cold or flu and could barely stand to vape so I didn't while I was sick and was able to roll with it after lmao
I quit a 55-year pack-a-day habit three years ago. I have a vape and I'm glad I never fired it up in order to help me quit. Will power is where it's at and even at this point I am still really tempted to pick up a pack. It will remain an hour-at-a-time issue I'm sure for my remaining years.
I admire anyone who has quit nicotine, the most addictive drug available over the counter.
It takes courage and a lot of will. I smoked 2 to 4 packs a day for 50 years.
Anything that injects that much more plastic into the waste stream is not a good thing. And because vaping “smoke” is so much wetter than cigarette smoke, it can be dangerous for people w/ compromised lung function.
That said, this is good to know, from a health perspective.
Setting the bar at "better than smoking cigarettes" is setting the bar so low it's a tripping hazard in hell.
Turns out all it took to get 2 new generations of folks addicted to tobacco products was to make the cig *digital*. It'll be 60 years of corporate BS before vapes are effectively regulated
Vaping seems to be associated with what's called PopCorn Lung- also called BOOP. Smoking causes COPD, to some extent, 100% of the time. Maybe severe, or not severe. BOOP kills a LOT faster. Pick your poison. (I was a long time smoker and couldn't quit for years. So not preaching.
Correct me if I am wrong here, the popcorn lung thing was due to a chemical that *was* put in to vapes some time back and (for the most part) has been removed from most devices no?
For better or for worse. I've been vaping for quite a while. What I found interesting is at one point there was an e-liquid manufacturer who was touting that their e-jues had mixed in vitamins. So that you could have your vitamins while you vaped. Needless to say I was very skeptic
The problem with vapes, at least in the uk, is the illicit ones. They often have really harmful chemicals in, more nicotine etc and people just don't seem to understand what they are buying
OK but this research does not compare with smoking and no one is saying vaping is good for one's health. So I'm don't see what new information it brings.
I started vaping (VUSE products) 9 years ago after smoking cigarettes for 40 years. It's the ONLY thing that helped me quit. My house, car, clothes and hair don't smell anymore. Just the paper in cigarettes contains 219 chemicals to make them fire safe. One is formaldehyde. I'm 65 years old.
The biggest misconception is that vapes are designed to help people quit smoking. In reality they are designed to make money by creating new nicotine addicts.
Agreed. We should have gone for regulation and plain packaging. Take one look at the bright colours and cool images on a disposable vape and you know they are aiming young. Regulation to ensure no unexpected toxins from black market knockoffs, and Pantone 448C ftw
I keep reminding myself about this every time I get annoyed at another cloud of choco-synth coming from another tank faced addict.
I mean really. It's just annoying,like a bucket of cheap perfume in an elevator.
They aren't killing anyone or themselves. Gotta get over it
If you study this since 2014 and claim it is better than real cigarettes you have to question who is paying you to study this for 11 years? Not the stop smoking movement I assume.
If this is science on Friday why not show real science and advancements for humanity?
I vape. Only thing that helped me quit smoking. I don't cough up a lung every morning, less winded, smell better and sleep better. I've had tests done and my lungs are clear and no wheezing. 😊
Same. I can walk inclines now without needing to take a break. Also I used to get bronchitis and or pneumonia every winter and haven’t since I stopped smoking cigarettes.
Yes but the whole point of the comparison is to sow doubt on the modern tobacco product so it isn't regulated until after the companies have gotten a new generation of life long clients
my primary care physician didn't want me quitting cold turkey because i have been smoking since i was 16 (i’m in my 40s now), and suggested vaping. i had my last cigarette in Oct, and have been vaping since. i still plan on quitting nicotine altogether, but this is helping me so much in the interim.
I remember back in 2019/2020, there was a rash of teens dying from respiratory issues, and the only connection that doctors could make between them was vaping. Then it turned out COVID was a thing, but I never heard any retractions from media.
As long as people continue to blow their vape smoke into my asthmatic face and say "it's just vapor, bro, it's not smoke, smell it! It smells like apple pie bro!" Then I will continue telling people to shove their vape directly in their ass.
Passing thought, if we include Donald Trump's denial and response to COVID, isn't Donald "Bonespurs" Trump the leading cause of death in the U.S. in recent years?
Nope if it was than light cigarettes with much less nicotine would be less dangerous than regular one. And science say they are equaly cancerogenic....
If not for vaping I never would have quit smoking 11 years ago, and I had tried everything! If I had not quit I wouldn't be here, and I believe vaping can be a useful tool in smoking cessation. Regulate, don't eliminate.
Propylene glycol:
Diethylene glycol:
Heavy metals: Such as nickel, tin, lead, and cadmium
Benzene: A volatile organic compound (VOC) found in car exhaust
If you want to quit nicotine addiction, get a refillable vape. Then you can use some PG or VG to dilute the pre-made vape juice a bit more with each use. Eventually you'll find yourself reaching for the vape less and less till you just stop...
I quit vaping two weeks ago. I realized I got more out of the oral fixation and act of vaping than actually wanting the substance. It was like a fidget toy.
Those mentholated inhalers that feel like smoke help with that issue.
Dry herb vaping is fine, I'm running 20km no worries. If I was still vaping that juice nicotine shit there's literally no way. Giving up nicotine vaping was the best thing decision I've ever made!
Of course it's not as risky as smoking for smokers - and it's a great way for smokers to stop -but my understanding from here in the UK is that it's not great for lungs if you've never smoked - an element of the liquid vapour will remain in the lungs over time. All that plastic waste is a disaster
No need for all the plastic and mechanical waste - disposable vapes (nicotine and THC) should be banned. “Tank mods” can just be refilled and parts replaced if the break down, also cheaper in the long run.
The low nicotine ones will not help one quit. anything below a 5 is worthless for a smoker and a danger to those first trying. the ones below that are trash, intended to do the opposite getting non smokers hooked. What the ones with 5mg did was handle the crave for at least 3 days then dump it all
if this is about the 5.0 compared to the max one can get here where I am which is 2.4 it's either. tried the salt ones as well but the Vuse I found that was 5.0 was perfect. no need to keep huffing for the fit. a couple of puffs and there was plenty of juice left in it but after day 3 dumped it all.
It takes a few puffs to go through 1ml of juice so getting one cig worth of nicotine (~3mg) takes about as long. More like an actual smoke for those to whom it's more about a break and breathing clouds than just getting nicotine. That's why sub-ohm worked for me while Vuze, gum, and patches failed.
Sub-ohm vapes use juice that is literally one-tenth the concentration. Usually 3 or 6 mg per ml (0.3% or 0.6%). They also blow huge clouds and have a throat hit more like cigarettes than just raw nicotine burn. 0mg is also an option; clouds and throat hit without nicotine.
OK but that's if you plan on still doing any of it. I'm not really a smoke unless I'm under heavy duress. Like MARRAIGE. yeah. that stress. umm I'm talking about not spending 10 minutes or 200 minutes plus per pack wasting time. WORK. I wana just work make money. Weeds OK 420 4everBaby.ICP4ever too.
I met a Doctor who was one of the leading experts on smoking cessation and was a pulmonologist. Yeah they were pushing Chantix. But on question she said that while she doesn’t yet have the research to support, it was substantially safer than smoking.
Vaping made me quit an almost 30 year smoking habit nearly cold turkey. Yes, nicotine is addictive and still present in vaping, but you ditch all of the other toxins
Sad thing? These were black market ones made with extract meant for TOPICAL use, containing vitamin E acetate.
My brother died partially because of vape. It was difficult to even charge the thing because he had to have his vape so often.
Cigarettes: I light a plant in some paper outside sometimes & I know the risks.
Vapes: indoors, constant use, who even knows what it’s made of.
Not convinced it’s worse than inhaling whatever chemicals scent the vapor, that was heated in plastic, by I don’t know what metal
Plastics leach into everything
Some metals = dangerous
When I smoke it’s Am Spirits so honestly yeah I do know what’s in there
And vaping is much easier to quit
People saying vaping is as bad as smoking are ludicrous. Smoking is way worse.
*please, dont.
If your complaint is that vaping recruits new nicotine users, say that.
Shaming people for an addiction seems like you're pinning their worth as a human to a genetic trait
It ain't
If you’re gonna smoke that’s how to do it tbh
I love my vapes. I also live an active life. The vape feeds my ADHD brain the nicotine it needs without subjecting me to the horrible smoke of cigarettes.
So it's a terrible idea to take up nicotine if you have ADHD.
"Don't people die from smoke inhalation?"
"Yeah, okay, good point. What if we boiled water until it vaporized into steam and you suck on that?"
"I'm seeing similar potential problems..."
Also, they are very much similar. One is just a more thorough version of the other.
The difference is not thoroughness, there are very different reactions taking place.
Note, facts don't agree with you. At all. But you're already edging into fallacious reasoning, so I'm done.
I now use a pax for weed when I partake bc I LOVED smoking and don’t want to risk slipping up, even after 10+ years, the addiction to cigarettes is that pervasive.
Obvs nothing at all is better, but 🤷🏻♀️
I still smoke cigs occasionally. Bad habit from stagehand days. Mild
I’m careful about what tobacco or cigarettes I buy. I go through about a pack a month. I know what the risks are. Some of the effects of plastics/metals in vapes may not be known for decades imo.
It takes courage and a lot of will. I smoked 2 to 4 packs a day for 50 years.
That said, this is good to know, from a health perspective.
Turns out all it took to get 2 new generations of folks addicted to tobacco products was to make the cig *digital*. It'll be 60 years of corporate BS before vapes are effectively regulated
This from an ex-smoker who vapes. I tried a few things with no success, and now I am on vape with 0mg juice.
I do like fruity flavors though.
I also don't think they should be disposable. Because I kinda care about muh environment
You can butt-vape and mouth-vape without cross-contamination.
Total lie.
Its not.
I mean really. It's just annoying,like a bucket of cheap perfume in an elevator.
They aren't killing anyone or themselves. Gotta get over it
If this is science on Friday why not show real science and advancements for humanity?
It's systemic. That's why smokers are also at higher risk from reproductive and GI cancers. It doesn't matter how the nicotine gets into your system
Whereas smoking is extra bad for you, NO nicotine product is "safe." Full stop. The nicotine is the carcinogen.
It has never been cool.
It don't.
- Some scientist.
This has been proven scientifically, and it’s part of the grift.
Nicotine is itself carcinogenic.
The differences are minimal but present.
Inhaling smoke every day is ALREADY so toxic the difference seems minimal.
Tobacco is harmful
Even *chewing* tobacco is harmful
Vapers are harmful
Nicotin IN ITSELF is harmful AND ADDICTIVE
Harms hide each other
(Also Vapes contain a *host* of chemicals on which research is still in its infancy)
Same as coffein.
18 days, and you get used to your new dose.
Nicotin’s addictiveness is MUCH higher.
Haven’t smoked for 25 yrs.
Still yearning!
People literally look stupid when they vape. I don’t condone smoking, but at least it has some cool factor. Some. 🚬
Propylene glycol:
Diethylene glycol:
Heavy metals: Such as nickel, tin, lead, and cadmium
Benzene: A volatile organic compound (VOC) found in car exhaust
Those mentholated inhalers that feel like smoke help with that issue.