Was this based on the CPSII? I used to be in the coin-op business but I’m not familiar with this game. I was involved in route work, so shooters, fighters, drivers and puzzles were the only thing that made money. Quest games like gauntlet were nonexistent for me.
Amazing! I was one of the last visitors to the Pocklington Penny Arcadia museum as a child in the days before it closed in 1994, it was an incredible place to be and play. I've found this forum thread of some pictures of their old collection: https://pennymachines.co.uk/Forum/viewtopic.php?t=7487
Duuuude! Have you been to the arcade museum (if I remember right) in Vegas? How about the historical arcade near the pier in San Francisco? I highly recommend both & I'm not even that big a gamer.
Hope somebody can drop the plans for a good VS machine. It’s rare to see them regardless of which game they have it in. I saw a great one somebody did of Power Stone 2 on it.
This game is wild 😂
Yes, I'm old. Get off my lawn!