Cordon sanitaires have been around in Europe since 1945 so if Nick is concerned about democracy now he may need to revisit his view of whether it existed at all since WWII.
Reposted from
Giles Wilkes
I have just, seriously, heard Nick Robinson on Radio 4 ask if Germany can seriously call itself a democracy if the CDU/CSU continue to refuse to include the AFD from consideration for power.
What. The. Actual....
At around 8:23:00 am
What. The. Actual....
At around 8:23:00 am
He has a cozy approach to difficult questions that sometimes works, but only when he understands the situation and what questions need answering.
Frequently he just doesn't.
Imagine the reaction of these pundits if Gordon Brown had talked SF into taking their seats in 2010 and built a wobbly coalition relying on their votes.
I'm still not entirely convinced that's not what he thinks is happening.
Surely he can think of one.