I think we need to be protesting. A riot would give donny shitzhizpantz the motive needed to release the military onto the streets. Boycott and peacful protest. It's worked before and will work again.
My only fear is that a full blown, aggressive revolt is exactly what they’re waiting for as a means of justifying invoking martial law. It’s like using a firearm, exhaust all options before it comes to violence. Can’t really be denied that we very well may be heading in that direction though.
Trump delights in pitting people against each other it makes him feel in control during those moments. Trump Wants us to riot so he can declare a state of emergency and declare Marshal Law to complete his takeover of the country. A civil war would bring him no end of joy.
Well, this is NOT just going to go away…the courts are not going to save us & Trump is not going to be “voted” out (remember Jan 6?) Time for SYMBOLIC gestures has long passed: sort out our differences later, go with rallying & marches & boycotts & a Nationwide General Strike https://generalstrikeus.com
Following the advice given in the Declaration of Independence, and that of John Locke, a government which becomes a tyranny is dissolved and should be replaced by on selected by consent which re-establishes a rule of law.
By example that would be by a convention called by those remaining in support of constitutional rule by consent already elected such as the governors or elected members of state and local governments. Who among them would sign a new Declaration?
Exactly care with some words might be advisable. I figured Blue Sky already has entities taking names and notes. They post among us, there are always spies and traitors.
Doing something effective is more important than merely doing something. Our Constitution provides ways of addressing such problems when, in the first amendment, it says the right of the people to peaceably assemble and petition the government for a redress of grievances shall not be infringed.
We were radicals in 1968. Bobby od. Mike went to work at his dad's bank. Jen had five kids. Bill brought fine art and died young. Lynn taught.
Kent State changed things.
We should be demonstrating. Show up at rallies and town halls. If you owe taxes file on the last day via snail mail. Make sure to get it postmarked. Or get a receipt of mailing. If you get a refund I hope you already filed. Disrupt the oligarchy.
Rioting would be the only thing that they know. I want to be smarter than that. We're the party of education. We need to put the pressure on so forcefully that they won't be able to breathe. Won't see it coming, be left with nothing to do but to retreat.
Riots will only be met with a declaration of martial law until MAGA has suffered enough to join in. When benefit cuts, high grocery prices and unemployment hit home, the time for upheaval will come.
Don’t worry, wait until the start of summer. By time it will begin, the tariffs & irresponsibly of this administration will a take a huge toll & force people in the streets to protest.
Yeah but let’s wait until it really really reaches the Trump backers. When they’re sleeping in the woods and streets. That will be the time. Let them eat cake my ass!
We have protests here in Colorado Springs almost every weekend. Between our coward of a representative, threats to the USPS, rallying for Planned Pare, I’ve been quite busy. No protests in your areas, work with 50501 or Indivisible to get one started! Stop talking about it and get it done!
we can take some lessons from protests and riots in Europe they have hundreds - if not thousands - of years on us in riots and protests with teeth in them
I'm afraid that at this point, the Only way to save this country is through either a violent military or civilian militia overthrow. We cannot wait til midterms to even have a chance.
I can't believe that this country is just silently standing by watching the US slowly turn into 1930's Germany. To think they used to say, "Why didn't they stop him, the people could have stopped it" Scary, isn't it (this you?)
So you're asking why everyone is standing by when Nazis take over, relating it to WW2 and you think people shouldn't riot even if it's non violent? Not only contradictory, but tone deaf given the dire situation we're in which you said yourself.
You know if they riot the military will be sent in, it will be a slaughter. And don't forget the Idiot maga people that will start fights. You can't post dates they'll be ready
I don't respect cowardice and not will I give in to fear mongering that the military will get us. Leave that shit elsewhere. So something else besides live in fear
Been saying this for a while. Trying to convince people to band together and stand up peacefully for the last decade and nobody listened, now im figuring that this may be the only way. But i am overseas and cant really do much but trying to spread the word
We are peacefully demonstrating. Enough that it has their attention and they feel threatened. Rioting implies behavior that could get people shot and certainly we are hoping to recover our democracy without gun violence. We might not be able to, but there is honor in trying.
Stay OUT and far far away from Greenland, Canada, Mexico, Panama Canal, Gaza, the entire world
AND get the f out of America
trump and his goonies what a BUNCH of Nazi-THUGS
Need ideas? Spread flyers in your area. Cliff cash made a billboard and is having it driven around d.c. get on apps in your area and find resisters and do the same. Spray WASHABLE spray paint messages. Make large signs and get people over highways to display the message. Don't support any maga bus.
I'm saying that our spending is our real voting power. Don't give a dollar to the people who support this Reich. They'll feel that more than any shouting in the streets.
I know riot by definition refers to potential violence but honestly our protesting & calls to action need to be louder & more aggressive, to meet the moment. I don't think a riot HAS to be violent, we aren't J6, it can simply be loud. He's gonna try to call martial law eventually anyways. We know.
This could be over in two weeks. 1) 3 million march on Wall Street, shut down the stock market 2) national strike - millions stop working 3) stop your taxes from being withheld, stop paying 4) cash out bank and retirement accounts, stop paying loans. Why it won’t happen: Gutless uninspiring leaders.
No. If you "riot", you'll find yourselves under martial law & that would be the first shot fired in a civil war.
That would be disastrous & very messy.
Kent State changed things.
And we are!
We should be attending rallies!
And we are!
We should be calling!
And we are!
We should be writing!
And we are!
If we are not listened to? Who knows what may come next!
Peaceful demonstrations only!
Protest. Protest loud. But do not commit to violence.
He wants to implement Martial Law in America!
Stay OUT and far far away from Greenland, Canada, Mexico, Panama Canal, Gaza, the entire world
AND get the f out of America
trump and his goonies what a BUNCH of Nazi-THUGS
We must keep all our protests non-violent & peaceful. They remain effective if of substantial size and can attract real media attention.
The convicted felon in the White House now has the power to destroy the world.
Trump and his Maga thugs want riots so he can abuse his office even more!
That is his goal, commit so many crimes that we do something about it, and WE get in trouble!
... and the 2nd Amendment against a TYRANNICAL GOVERNMENT
Unite then they are the best armed
And have real-world Urban Combat
Spread the word!!
That would be disastrous & very messy.