Jaw-dropping story about a billionaire who duped women into donating their eggs so he could have a brood of blonde, blue-eyed children. The "project" continued even when he was behind bars (and he's probably going back to prison, leaving the kids' care to nannies). Free link:
My kiddo was conceived with a donor egg, and I'm horrified at all of this. We all went through tons of screening, and everything was done at arms-length through an agency.
My jaw is dropped because I absolutely am supportive of egg donation. But this is just awful.
Second of all: there's always a Ghislaine Maxwell involved, isn't there?
These poor wee babies and children, and the women who were lied to about their future relationship with any children born from their eggs...
Baby farming with devastating consequences.
A system which creates billionaires who hold so much power and sway really seem to be something the world needs to get a grip on.
A better world is possible. One where we learned from history.