The Guardian has published another article today about declining author wages (true), this time blaming FFB for this trend (not true).
Festivals and authors have both become poorer poorer for the same two reasons: austerity and wealth hoarding by the publishing industry.
Festivals and authors have both become poorer poorer for the same two reasons: austerity and wealth hoarding by the publishing industry.
(Eg BG Prizes’s 2nd sponsor is run by a dude currently under sanction by Ukraine)
Whatever you think of BG, the reason writers are poor isn’t FFB.
How do we fix it? >
They worked together to build worker power thru strong unions and, eventually, went on strike.
Lastly >
We don’t live in a perfect free market of books, where every book is given an equal chance of success via equal distribution, marketing and so on.
A book w a £2m adv and one w a £2k adavance do not have an equal shot at readers.