Shouldn’t we have a little caveat of reality here. Worth on paper. Not cash. Not diversified. If he liquidates then rest of his stock tanks. 100-150b liquid. Maybe. Maybe someone more in equities could expand.
In days of yore many rich folk were philanthropists who built hospitals, schools, libraries, etc. Now they obscenely concentrate on getting more and more money - enough is never enough 😡🤬
Just another reason that he shouldn’t be involved with politicians on either side . Being that rich is beyond anyone’s imagination, but he could help Americans who need help desperately. It would be money used in a very best way …… 👵🏻😢🤷🏼♀️ Greed is like an illness, it destroys people .
'Rich as Croeses, Thick as Sh!t'
Or is it just an unhappy coincidence?
Will be a joy to watch.
"The company makes most of its money on contracts with the US government, and can likely depend on more support under a Trump administration."SMH
Their greed and need to control others , including their own kids, seems to have no boundaries
How does someone like that, a non American citizen, buy an election and wield so much power?
Worse Reinhardt has taken a leaf out of his book and is now trying to buy a WA Liberal election win.
Then beat federal Labor.
Thank you
Everything he touches turns to gold. (Except Twitter!)
And his children hate him.
President is just a word now. Who's the real BOSS?