For those of us living on the edges of society, #pwME & other marginalised conditions), I’m feeling slightly less alone and slightly less in a minority of the ‘Missing In Action’ from life, as sadly & as expected, the cases of Long Covid / M.E. rise.
My article:
My article:
Part Two coming soon 🩵
person with myalgic encephalomyelitis; I learned of what I know from observing my mother, who had it. I get triggered discussing it bc most people laughed off Moms symptoms; I knew better than to share mine.
Mum lived in pain; So do I. No one helps or, cares💔
It’s a long read but some useful links hopefully for people to not feel so less alone 🩵
And yet so little has changed I feel.
Dismissal, trivialising, ignoring, and just completely disputing what you try to explain to folk about the symptoms and struggle seems to be the standard sadly
I was one of very few that took my mother's symptoms seriously because I could see her day-to-day in pain and struggling!
It is my wish that everyone that is struggling is recognized in their struggle. Just being recognized helps!
As long as I kept the conversation to talking about a dumb pump, we would have been okay. But the minute I spoke of unregulated emotions affecting how heart rate works? I lost her.
I wanted to give this person the benefit of the doubt as I was just meeting them for the first time and was also determining whether I might see them again as a medical provider. As it turns out, the answer is no.
I hear you and I see you, all of you. We will be invisible no more and accountability will be justice for one of the #GreatestMEdicalScandal