This is who we are, we have Ellis Island where migrants from Europe or Asia are sailing upon the island before migrating into the US. We have MLK who created civil rights to blacks and whites. But Trump did is to reverse many of them. Is this how you "fix" America? Come on...
Exactly. It’s who we are now. Just like all the gun violence. It’s just who we are now. We don’t even flinch at school shooters anymore. That one will forever blow my mind.
It pains me to say this, but Trump is who we've always been. Slavery has been baked into our origin, bringing with it racism. Voting was restricted to land holding white men, so there's your misogyny. They only thing we had almost going for us was Education and we're throwing it away.
I fell out with religion long ago as a child who read the Bible then watched those in church do things almost nothing like Jesus suggested unless they felt like it
I listen to this person and I feel it - the love of justice, good, and humanity
But it says a lot about the USA when someone who speaks publicly in this way has to be considered courageous
I listen to this person and I feel it - the love of justice, good, and humanity