the guy looked like he might go home and blow his brains out. Everything Trump touches dies. It's the rule. How can he live with himself knowing what he has done?
I’m in South Florida and can tell you that Rubio has no moral character. He’s a phony Catholic with ambitions to be president; the first Cuban-American president of the US and he’ll kowtow to win votes.
Not many Rs left who will stand on principle and give up their positions of--I was going to say power, but only two men have power--so I guess the word I'm looking for is prominence.
He won’t. He has no morals. He may pontificate well, but he’s an empty sack. Plus he needs the money. Living in his ritzy Miami neighborhood doesn’t come cheap.
Doubtful. This is not recoverable. I cannot explain what has happened to Republicans. They have rotted out and what's left is the walking corpse moved by maggots.
He won't. Dude was a C- student who went to an uncompetitive college whose biggest accomplishment in life is marrying an ex cheerleader. He lost his soul years ago.
Rubio did initially enroll at Santa Fe Community College, true. But like many students from that time he made it from there to the University of Florida, my alma mater, from whence he graduated.
Marco has already sold everything he can clinging to his presidential hopes: his anti-communist credentials, his credibility, his faith to the free Cuba cause, decency, honor, etc. etc. There’s nothing left to hide his masculine deficiencies. Poor little bitty eentsy weentsy Marco😢
I hope I’m wrong, but I think you’re giving him too much credit.
Over the years it’s become more and more evident he willingly chose this road, at the abandonment of any principles he may have held at one time. Very sad trajectory.
He will not. He’s probably somewhere in a corner frantically chugging down bottled water waiting for his next talking points to keep his proximity to power.
What the world witnessed of Trump and Vance today was not statesmanship. It was the crazed tantrum of a treasonous petulant bully and his sniveling sidekicks.
Oh no, he’s not leaving his cushy government job to have no government job. Marco will stay in and destroy as much as he can of our reputation around the world which is basically in tatters.
Admin down. He could say it was his plan all along and be a hero
The question is whether he even has a shred of dignity
Rubio did initially enroll at Santa Fe Community College, true. But like many students from that time he made it from there to the University of Florida, my alma mater, from whence he graduated.
I have to speak up for UF! Go Gators.
(now back to the regularly scheduled Rubio bash)
Mr Lickspittle will double down on the idiotic comments of POTUS and VP.
Over the years it’s become more and more evident he willingly chose this road, at the abandonment of any principles he may have held at one time. Very sad trajectory.
It doesn't take a genius to see he did not agree with what was happening. He sat there and kept his mouth shut and looked like a scared school girl.
But for what?