Dear Employers, Please stop asking for Bachelor & Master Degree if you're only paying $20 an hour…
Get fucked.
Get fucked.
For anyone here wants to connect
Over the last 12 years, I’ve navigated unexpected losses(death of a partner), opportunities, personal growth learning my unconscious biases to improve myself, all of which have prepared me to tackle challenges with creativity, continued integrity
I hope you all keep up your hard work as well and I am proud of everyone regardless if I know who you are or not. I can recognized the dedication you’ve all put in to yourself and the 🌎! 🌈🪽
…if it’s 1991…
I mostly work for free, because that makes me happy.
But when people want to pay, it's not a twenty per hour.
In my city they’re offering $15 an hour for a bachelor/masters degree 🥲
The job paid $14/hr.
Fuck off.
I've literally had interviews where I explained that I was there when it released- aside from a beta, you can't get much more experienced.
They're so in debt, they can't leave the job.
I went to community college, same business education minus the fluff.
USD that’s 10.49/hr for zero education credentials, national health care, and Canadians tip their servers well!
Everybody's greedy😡🤬
You get that for working driving a bus
In Ire !!
& quit listing so many bullet pts describing duties that it is clear that you are hiring one person do to 2-3+ distinctly different jobs. $1 per hour per bullet point beyond min. wage. If it's 20 bullet points, it should be $35/hr. If you additionally ask for a degree, & offering $10-$15/hr, FU
Watching fascism take over is depressing.
But $20/hr requiring a BA of some kind and a decade of exp? That's insulting.
You don't have to apply.
ppl already have this built in to their framework WITHOUT any student loan debt. & then! They increase the pay from the base they initially advertised all the while gen wealth glides on by.
Experience: 10 Years leading AI software development teams
Pay: $124K/yr
Otherwise why not, particularly anything involving computers.
Minimal wages = minimal work
The work hard and you will be rewarded is a corporate myth
What you will get - more work
I have a degree and post grad diploma in early years education and was getting paid half as a manager than what my ex got for his degree in health and safety (working in a college) 🤬
What Jeras said. ✔
It's crazy.
How can you pay back your student loans , car payment and rent on 16/hr??!!