GOP (in my opinion)acting as Domestic Terrorists=burning the financial & physical security of our nation's population. Why? SO Trump-MUSK-GOP Federalists can reap OUR wealth, weaken US security &, threaten US workers & families. OUR future of deprivation & abuse was unimaginable in US-until NOW.
In reference to post calling GOP Domestic Terrorist? Then My comments directed at GOP & since GOP is an American political Party-Domestic correct term. Regarding using the plural "THEY" as in every single participant) is a proven Child Molesting Christian Terrorist - well that seems ----
I don't know what you are talking about. If you will clarify I'll be happy to review the post & my reply, & if I am wrong, I'll admit it. BUT if I am right, I will defend it.
🎶No, we won't give up, we won't go away
'Cause we're not about to live in this mass delusion
No, we don't wanna hear another word you say
'Cause we know they're all depending on mass confusion
No, we can't turn back, we can't turn away
'Cause it's time we all relied on the last solution"🎶
🎶No, we won't lay down and accept this fate
'Cause we're standing on the edge of a revolution
Wall Street, common thief
When they get caught they all go free
A brand new yacht and a finder's fee
Standing on the edge of a revolution"🎶
As an American, I agree. The Trump regime is breaking every US law possible while burning the country’s reputation to the ground yet our resistance “leaders” just make a few snarky quips and think they have felled the beast.
It does seem it is time for the US citizenry to replicate the Brits' actions in 1814....
An orderly resistance isn't going to work. A country wide general strike is what's needed. Your jobs, your classes, and your kids' dance recital won't matter if extreme measures aren't taken, and soon.
We need a physical location to even think about this. I’m not sure that social media is the place. Think Irish pubs…someone’s basement….?Communicating here about anything but cats could be bad trouble.
My hardware is all cleaned and ready to go. I only have one small request to the seditious maggot rats, please wear your red hats, gold drumpf sneakers, and wave your drumpf flags.....I like easy targets.
To Americans: The Battle of New Orleans: My New version: In 2025 we took a little trip, along with US Patriots down the mighty Mississip'. We took a little bacon and we took a little beans and we caught the bloody trumpers in the town of New Orleans. >>>>
We fired our guns and the trumpers kept a-comin. There wasn't as many as there was a while ago. We fired once more and they began to runnin', On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico.
US adult population is 277 million. Trump had 77 million votes.
So there are 200 million to stop this madness.
3 of you against 1 of them.
This fascist won’t stop, it will only get worse and worse.
You got to stand up, rise above yourselfves and march!
Both "leaders" are failing. They should be pounding the podium every single day. The Traitor is unraveling, even more, & has decided to rip everything down. We need Congress to shut him down.
It should be crystal clear to all, that Trump's traitorous deception and betrayal of The People can result in the fall of this nation. His motivation is one of greed and corruption. He has allowed a Nazi to buy his election and dismantle our Democratic and financial system. We must rise up!
Protests this Friday and look into for something huge coming in May. Also on FB and instagram. Just getting started. Plan to be mastodon and Reddit v. soon.
Yes. I did this back it '98. I marked the box that states "exempt." I claim I had no tax liability last year, nor do I have one this year. A funny thing happens. The irs can not prove you have a liability. Only you can subject yourself to becoming liable.
Talk is cheap. Why aren't people on the streets by now. Few thousand protesting here and there means nothing. No point of waiting leadership from Dems, they ain't gonna deliver. It's up to people now.
They could get out of their bubble and lead the people, come amongst them. Will there be next election? No. So it's time for literal uprising of the people and Dems could lead it. But they want. That's not delivering. Revolution is the only way out of the fascist nightmare.
Yes. Most of them are clearly not ready to abandon the broken political process. And, I'm not sure whether, at the moment, that is a bad thing, given the American people, and the liberal media, are clearly not ready for the next step.
This has been my question for quite a while. Americans are either unaware of what’s going on, supportive of it, or just too lazy to do anything about it. Pathetic.
It's so weird from Europian point of view. We had more people marching on the streets around the Europe on International Women's Day, than what US has during the decline to fascism. I don't understand them.
And what will losing the democracy cost? Losing SS, Medicaid, Education for future generations, equal rights, freedom of speech...all this will be acceptable if you just can keep your jobs? Maybe your country then isn't worth fighting for.Just leave the rest of the world out of your decline then.
This. They purposely keep us struggling so that we can't afford to lash out. Unfortunately for them, we are running out of things to lose VERY quickly.
We have “at will” employment. Anyone, except for unionized workers, can be fired this afternoon for no reason whatsoever. It makes our employment a free market, but it also makes us all vulnerable in a way that you cannot understand.
It's because fascism wasn't a deal breaker for the majority who voted for Trump. A disturbing but true fact. Same with the people who voted for Brexit and that awful 'Reform' party. People have short memories and many have no concept of the horrors of the previous era of fascism.
🇮🇱 wants protests for an excuse to staff up 83 "Cop Cities" with IDF. They are rolling out military occupation of 🇺🇲.
1. Voter Propositions 11yr criminal minimum sentences for corruption. 21 yrs for Judges, lawyers, & law enforcement.
2. Ban all lobby $$ state by state. Voter contributions only.
Locke wrote about the duty of rebellion, when the State fails. This is it, now. Donald is staging a coup, the rule of law is gone, and now we no longer have to play by the book. This however is expect, next step for Donald is Insurrection Act, allow use of military to suppress protest and revolt.
The SCOTUS is going to give him even more power, & let him commit more crimes. He is already arresting ppl he doesn't like. He's going to try & shut down networks he doesn't like. Keep your glass containers.
That's fact not opinion
Don't mitigate by using words like domestic
In fact, it mitigates what they actually are:
Child molesting Christian terrorists
'Cause we're not about to live in this mass delusion
No, we don't wanna hear another word you say
'Cause we know they're all depending on mass confusion
No, we can't turn back, we can't turn away
'Cause it's time we all relied on the last solution"🎶
'Cause we're standing on the edge of a revolution
Wall Street, common thief
When they get caught they all go free
A brand new yacht and a finder's fee
Standing on the edge of a revolution"🎶
I, along with my fellow Canadians, are shocked at your complcency.
Now, it's time for the counter-revolution.
YEP !!! It's Time
Calling all Patriots.
But if you can start NOW, that’d be great.
So there are 200 million to stop this madness.
3 of you against 1 of them.
This fascist won’t stop, it will only get worse and worse.
You got to stand up, rise above yourselfves and march!
“This is fine.”
Oh, about 50,000 protesters should be enough, but the more the merrier.
Just sayin'
Bernie Sanders is our time Benjamin Franklin
It’s 1775 all over again
Think how many $$$ millions the govt would miss in just 1 week !! Big impact$$$
Claim exempt on W4
ask HR for chg form
Don't give fascist any IN APRIL
Is it time!
My oath of Enlistment never ends!
We will never, ever give up our
The Dems are the party out of power. Do you know what "out of power" means? They can bitch, and moan, and agitate, same as you or me.
What they are able to do politically is pretty much nothing.
Plan for the next sterile election? I'm with you, though. I know what we must do
It's up to people like us. I welcome your voice.
1. Voter Propositions 11yr criminal minimum sentences for corruption. 21 yrs for Judges, lawyers, & law enforcement.
2. Ban all lobby $$ state by state. Voter contributions only.
March 14,15,16
Million Person March on DC
-Jefferson airplane 1969
The Rest of the World