Perfect response, because it’s all true…👇
Isn’t it?! 🌈
Pass. It. On. ✨
Isn’t it?! 🌈
Pass. It. On. ✨
The subsidized halfway houses simply opened their doors and let all occupants out!
Crack epidemic?
Defunded institutions creating the homeless crisis?
I could go on.
Reagan didn't mention it until 1987.
Reagan is a piece of shit.
It breathed life into the illusion that we’d all be better off without others ripping us off.
Cue the racism and classism.
trump helping our enemies is a republican tradition
The same is true today with the atrocities, hatred and destruction being wrought. Each individual is accountable for their words and deeds.
After ‘Reagonomics’, America has been in permanent deficit.
Reagan introduced the myth of ‘trickle down’ economics and kick-started the poverty of the masses and the wealth boost of the few.
We need to lose the terms “working class” and “working class Americans.”
It’s workers.
It’s just workers.
Workers of the world maybe.
But it’s just workers.
Anything else is needlessly over technical and sounds like corporate placating.
But oh he had such a folksy way of doing it!
He was a Racist pos. 💩
And remove him
Reagan recruited, on KKK Day at the Fair in the shadows of Mississippi Burning, the racists, bigots, Dixiecrats and Wallace-minded.
He made the Republican Tent the tent for RACISTS! He did it openly, but the privileged willfully looked away.
Kill the myth!
Thank you Reagan now people can go bankrupt when they get sick.
also the inventor of Trickle Down, how's that playing out??
It's not pretty I can tell you that.