I am surprised it’s not a lot more than 10. Like 50 or more. The GOP feels released from moral and legal constraints, so they’re now just open about their personal perversions.
One of the key points of Project 2050 is changing it so that sex offenders get the death penalty. They also want to make it so dressing in "drag" (literally anything that doesn't match your gender assigned at birth) out in public is an automatic offense. So basically they can kill us at will.
I have designed a poster for the upcoming HANDS OFF! protests on Saturday, April 5th. If anyone wants a printable file of it, please message me : ) Find out more about the protests here: https://www.mobilize.us/handsoff/
GOP has mastered gaslighting, screaming foul on the other side.
Where I’m from, we used to call those folks, “skunks” ‘cause they smell their own hole first 😉
Seems like maybe they are all very angry frustrated closet homos who's mother picked on them so now they want everyone to suffer get a good psychiatrist or just overdose on some benzos..
True. I often call them Rethuglicans, but Repulsivecons works too.
Do you follow Beks @antifaoperative.bsky.social ?
Her tracking of their horrid crimes reflects their horribleness.
Let’s kick them out of office, before it becomes acceptable to rape children, and have sex with under age minors - it seems like that day is coming sooner than later in America. As for the pedophiles, the rapists and the felons.-they belong in prison, not in public office serving American people!
Now people might realise why Elon Musk suddenly decided to whip his dick out in front of his employee a couple of years ago, it was a calculated misdemeanour that would ingratiate himself with the pervert and his legion of racist sex criminal disciples!
Gross. I usually listen to Christian and worship music on Spotify. Never saw him in the lineup. Probably bc I don't listen to Christian Nationalist's music.
He is now forever unwelcome to my music feed. Honestly never heard of him.
Much more staggering number when you compare Christians to Atheists. I tried to find statistics of the prevalence of child sexual abuse by Atheists, but all that comes up is evangelical, Protestant, catholic, and general Christian’s child sex abuse. I guess the shoe fits.
WIKIPEDIA>> According to the 2013 census, completed by the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the estimated number of inmates in the United States prison system was 1,574,700 people]
Of these people, LESS THAN 1% (.07%) of inmates identify as atheists
Religious “nones” are about 25% of the population. Atheists are about 4%. Christians are about 65%of the population. Claiming that you need Jebus to have morals just doesn’t add up when you compare prison demographics to the populations as a whole. Us atheists are far more moral than Christians.
Which just proves that when they accuse others of doing these things it is simply projection of what they are doing themselves. Deflection to keep eyes off their own wrong-doings.
Perhaps this is a mite snarky,but having seen so many of those MAGA women...I can almost understand why Republican men are looking for sex..." in all the wrong places : !!
um, no. Not at all. Are you a mysoginist? your comment denigrating women is not necessary. also, women's looks are not reasons why men have sex with men. just a silly comment all around, IMO. have a nice day.
Well tarnation….Clergy, Conservatives, Cops, Trumpers, Coaches. Every damn time. Another, and Another, and Another, and Another, and Another, and…..NOT A Drag Queen ! I am SHOCKED ! Shocked I say………
Should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Trump/Putin and the republicans are now killing the USA, taking away everything a true civilized democracy have and wreaking your economy so there will be nothing left but a civil war and disrepair. This is where you are USA. And since you tariff-ed your allies there will be little help to get.
While I have NO DOUBT that this is pretty accurate, I really wish there was a source to pull from to definitively prove it to people who will undoubtedly claim it is not.
And Trump met him in the White House on Paddy's Day while the Irish Prime Minister was met the previous week. And hes a failed bóxer who turned to Dana Whites fake pop up sport to make millions
Can we included friends of Trump as a category. Andrew Tate was freed from a prison in Romania - flew to Florida - attacked his girlfriend and then scarpered back to Romania
People left the catholic church because so many priests were pedophiles. Religious conservatives’ focus on homosexuality allows pedophilia to fly under the radar.
I continue to be shocked and disgusted by the fact that children continue to be abused so openly, but I'm not in least shocked by who these pedophiles are and the positions of trust they held.
And the one Qanon guy who accused the Dems of sex trafficking children. At a pizza place. Arrested for child porn. Seriously, the accusations = confessions is turning out to be so true!
Yip I always found it strange that the far right were droning on relentlessly about the paedo dems. Given their propensity for epic levels of delusional projection this revelation does not surprise me
There isn’t necessarily one source. Look into Sen Eichorn and start there, as a super recent one. Fair warning, once you go down that rabbit hole of who likes to do what and who is connected to whom… it’s really gross and angering
So-called White Nationalists have attended more drag shows than I ever have, since I have been to zero drag shows. There must be some Nazi dragster converts out there.
That is about right. The immoral party. Look at their leader. Rape charges. One of Epsteins best client and you idiotic morons think he is going to make your life better. If you only had a brain
Way more than 10 - if you add all the MAGA lawmakers, and the MAGA regime in the WH and the biggest MAGA supporters and the J6rs that have been charged and/or convicted.
Mainly since they'll be framing Democrats and drag queens for crimes they did not commit, probably to cover up the ones done by Republicans.
Every single day, at least ONE, if not 2 or 5 pastors, priests, church workers, or @GOP #MAGA people are arrested for sex crimes
90% of those American sex offender Christians are likely Trump supporters too
Trans: 0
Where I’m from, we used to call those folks, “skunks” ‘cause they smell their own hole first 😉
Don't deport them
Or arrest them.
Round up the children..and deport them.
Does that mean Family Values = Raping your neighbors children?
They have strange values those republicans. Personally, I’d rather have no ‘Family Values’ than to have theirs.
Do you follow Beks @antifaoperative.bsky.social ?
Her tracking of their horrid crimes reflects their horribleness.
He is now forever unwelcome to my music feed. Honestly never heard of him.
Of these people, LESS THAN 1% (.07%) of inmates identify as atheists
Not a trans
Not an immigrant
The hypocrisy
Since DailyKOs began counting in October 2018.
But of course they'll still say this is Biden's woke agenda 🙄🤮
Well tarnation….Clergy, Conservatives, Cops, Trumpers, Coaches. Every damn time. Another, and Another, and Another, and Another, and Another, and…..NOT A Drag Queen ! I am SHOCKED ! Shocked I say………
Should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
With specificity, that number would be higher.
Episcopalians, Lutheran, Unitarian, Methodist & Presbyterian pastors:
It is atrocious to make it sound normalized.
Absolutely no one is surprised.
Trans: 0
Immigrants: 0
Woke librarians: 0
Maybe we should be looking into their crackpot shit some more.
"But Wait! There's More!
We need to dilute that old school European “involuntary inbreeding” mentality that they’re trying to bring back.
A democrat gets caught "pants down"
"I'm sorry and here is my resignation" (most all the time)
And you never hear from him again.
Republicans: Stand up brag about it. and their fellows are all Hail and well met.
PLEASE SHARE THIS VIDEO - NOW - like your life depends on it - 'coz it does.
#miami #jacksonville #stpetersburg #tampa #orlando #fortlauderdale #tallahassee #usa
MAGAts aren't awake! Republicans aren't Awake either.
"Buy from Trump" is the new Motto of the USA!
But our eyes are lying 🤥
It's not a joke on ppl that were harmed; I apologize!
The fact is; we find out and see with our own eyes collectively, but it's a lie?
All these ears and eyes are seeing nothing 🤥
They aren't lying🤥
We're confused and lying about the truth! 😳😒🤣🤣