You know I was thinking about the Great Famine recently. I would like to take this opportuntiy remember the Famine and all that died to say Ireland is a safe haven for child rapist in the Captholic Church and global terrorists. That Ireland has failed to rule itself and should never have existed
Also as we think about the likely millions of Irish starved in the Famine, let us take the time to think about how Irish Americans are among the most racist people in America, that their home lives are full of violence on abuse, support for terrorsim and defense of child rapists.
On the memory of all the Irish that starved slowly to death in the Great Famine, on all the poverty left after it, let me say that Irish Society is nothing but failure, it has given its children to Cahtolic priests to rape, it has essentially made modern terrorism, it is a terrible society
So as you think about any family members you had who died slowly of starvation during the Great Famine, please remember what a violent, pointless, terrible nation the Republic of Ireland is. How it is a safe haven for rapist Catholic priests and terrorist.