Calling active resistance "performative" is saying the quiet part out loud- He plans to do whatever he wants, regardless of what we say, and he would rather we stop holding him accountable because it's annoying.
He should resign. He has lost the confidence of those who worked diligently to get him elected and those who faithfully stood by him when going through a critical medical emergency. Actually, a whole country full of Democrats had his back and he stabbed us all.
I guess Fetterman’s stroke did more damage than we thought. If he is medically incapacitated he is a danger to his constituents AND the rest of the country. Yesterday is proof. Send him home!!!!!
It hurts and its real. I hear ya. Its amazing how many votes he put in to support Republicans and Trump nominees. He passed the point of being even considered a Democrat.
Yep, I didn’t work as hard as you did. But I bought the t-shirt, wore it to community events, talked to voters about Fetterman, voted for him, cheered for him at the Harris rally in Pgh. Time to make that t-shirt a cleaning rag.
Exactly, I supported him too! In every way I possibly could. What happened to him? I’m so sorry now that I did. I will never make that mistake again. It was his turn at bat, he didn’t just strike out.. HE THREW THE WHOLE GAME!
All the french media are asking, "Where are the democratic politicians? They lost the election, and now they are divided, lost, don't know what to do, are not a real opposition to Trump, and aren't connected with people."
I wish we could switch countries. We'd have Trump's head for you!!!
Me to. He needs to keep speaking out. He is amazing. He can rally everyone as the anger is there in the population. It just needs a leader. The fire is catching...
I love this one comment on the video. The guy I referenced as started around 26 min. mark apparently. Spead the that righteous anger and as he said, "Stand the F*** Up"!
Thank you so much for sharing Mi Chelle. I was upset for allowing hope again in the Senate’s vote that failed us. Our best hope is in each other. I needed to see this video to commit to never quit like every speaker and supporter at this event.
I voted for Senator Fetterman in spite of his medical condition in high hopes he would recover and become a champion of Democracy. But the stroke left him fearful and less empathetic, which I am sure he writes off as being pragmatic. He has lost his vision and with it my faith in him.
There is a self admitted change to both his personality and politics, but I suppose that now he is not just a local, but a national politcal figure, his ambition might feel that it necessitated a change. Not everyone can be a Bernie Sanders and remain steadfast and true to others perception of them.
Plus, he forgot and left his testicled at Mar-a-lago when he went down there to "kiss the ring." Dems need to find a new candidate for senator if they want to keep the seat.
Do they not realize they would be speeding up the process of losing the whole damn thing even sooner? They need to get their heads out of the last century. Things don't work like that anymore. And did it ever occur to them that a shutdown would be another point against Trump?
What the f is wrong with these Democrats who are willing to compromise our government away in order to avoid a government shutdown? Hello!? It's being shut down as we speak.
Yes, I don’t understand his justification. All you have to do is game it out - 1. GOP shuts the gov; 2. Dem media blitz blames the GOP; 3. GOP feels the heat and asks dems to open the gov; 4. The Dems say, “no. Not until you negotiate with us.” 5. GOP forced to negotiate. — 5 days max. He’s an idiot
PA Senator John Fetterman ceded congressional power to Co-Presidents Musk and Trump.
The courts were able to undo the firings and closures because that power belonged to the House and Senate, no more.
You’re awesome. Fetterman is compromised. He went to Mar-A-Lago and showed him what they had—he’s either cheating on his wife/taxes, touching kids, or cross dressing, but there’s something he’s desperate for us to not know.
. “The truth: some people only respect strength, not kindness. Civility isn’t the answer when the other side is playing dirty. It’s time to stand firm and push back—on our terms. #PowerOverRespect #RiseUp”
It’s back to Israel again for The only thing he & his staff work on. No townhalls in PA to hear from constituents. Votes on CR & then off to make sure his Sugar Daddy Netanyahu isn’t lonely.
I consider the possibility that he is legitimately mentally ill, offer him my sincere good wishes for a recovery, and a hearty kick in his rump on the way out.
I feel the pain too. We gotta stay strong and realize we have each other and not these jerks who are out to enrich themselves. The whole system is broken and now it’s obvious.
🤔 how to get the exploratory committe started so can raise funds to run for Senate? Now that Malcolm is a DNC Vice Chair, how this can move forward? The sooner he starts exploring the better. 🙂
We love life. We deserve your support. Save the children Don't stay silent, donate, share, help Your small donation helps save a family.Thank you all
Now how the hell do we get rid of these stinking albatrosses around our necks?
Performative activism is better than performative cowardice.
This is the energy ⚡️
Your ethics and your stand!
I feel the same way about newsom after working against the recall…
These people have no vision
Thanks for revealing your Fetterman
Now we know there are Bettermen & Betterwomen
#media #ignoreusnow #cowards #resistance #protest #50501movement
Where are the Betty Friedan’s of today? If you’re one too, you can make a big difference. Make your voice heard. “We’re not going back”
My french blood is boiling watching you people doing nothing to overthrow a dictator?
Where is the 2nd american Revolution?
Do you need our help again or what ?!?
I wish we could switch countries. We'd have Trump's head for you!!!
Go to 28 min mark and listen to that man.
I can't wait for them to awaken the beast.
doing what MAGA does
that'll do something.......
I'm sure Dr. Oz will put Trump over his knee tomorrow and all our problems will be solved.
I feel like the wind is knocked out of me, after today
at this point he is no better than if they elected oz ffs
The courts were able to undo the firings and closures because that power belonged to the House and Senate, no more.
He’s such a disappointment.
. “The truth: some people only respect strength, not kindness. Civility isn’t the answer when the other side is playing dirty. It’s time to stand firm and push back—on our terms. #PowerOverRespect #RiseUp” you and the rest of the deserve what comes next!
Betrayal does not make friends
Hope you’ve enjoyed your time.
History will remember you as a coward.
Way to go.
I’m sure you’ve made your children proud with the rock solid future you’ve given them…
Never Again! Fucking Turncoat.
I’ve felt the betrayal for sure.