the soviets and the partisans are the ones you should be thanking for defeating the nazis. 21 MILLION communists died (military and civilian) and many more would have faced the same fate as the victims of the holocaust had those fascist scum continued their extermination campaign of undesirables.
Stalin & Hitler carved up Europe to themselves, Stalin fought his own doing while the allies were gracious enough to arm the Soviet traitors as the complete incompetence of greedy, evil, imperialist Stalin failed immeasurably.. then used peasants under this boot as a shield
That there's an entire memorial to survivors of the atrocities of communism.
So horrible that even Nazis got mixed up in the victims.
Dude... You don't have a brain
This is literally your post.
You don't have comprehension skills do you?
Stalin & Hitler carved up Europe to themselves, Stalin fought his own doing while the allies were gracious enough to arm the Soviet traitors as the complete incompetence of greedy, evil, imperialist Stalin failed immeasurably.. then used peasants under this boot as a shield
Thank you for recognizing folks like him.
I get very angry watching whsts happening in the world today.
Just because the opinion is unpopular, doesn't mean it isn't true.
The vast majority of the Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe (90% IIRC) were in the East fighting the Soviets. One of the most telling points is that even after D-Day, the Nazis kept pulling troops from the western front to the east, until the very end.
Once the defeated the Nazis they set about committing further atrocities.
The people of the Soviet Union (Russians, Ukrainians,...) defeated the Nazis, not "communists". Most were regular people with no idealogy.
Read more.
I guess occupying half of Poland was to buy time?
Stalin & Hitler carved up Europe to themselves, Stalin fought his own doing while the allies were gracious enough to arm the Soviet traitors as the complete incompetence of greedy, evil, imperialist Stalin failed immeasurably.. then used peasants under this boot as a shield
After the WWII Stalin killed a huge number of war veterans, sent a plenty of people to Syberia, some internal ethnic cleansings happened and now the biggest-in-size representative of SU is trying to genocide the smaller one.
Too busy, hon. Sorry.
Stalin & Hitler carved up Europe to themselves, Stalin fought his own doing while the allies were gracious enough to arm the Soviet traitors as the complete incompetence of greedy, evil, imperialist Stalin failed immeasurably.. then used peasants under this boot as a shield
If you repeat a lie enough, it becomes truth, I guess.
the pact came after multiple attempts to make the same sort of pact with western powers against the nazis to prevent their expansion. The UK and Americans and such completely rejected those offers because they supported the nazis.
It is still a fact the Soviet Union cooperated with Nazis directly and intentionally.
But yea the Nazi party was a thing PEOPLE supported
Anyone pause to think how that helped Nazy Germany!?
You're all fucking brainwashed.
It's not one or the other and 21 million wouldn't have died if communists didn't START THE WAR ALLIED WITH NAZI GERMANY