I'm not sane because I thought we had the opps out numbered. Dang it. They were mob deep. Now I'm on this life raft of hope, adrift in this red sea of deplorables.
I may be "off the wall" a little bit, but, yes, generally, it's pretty quiet here. (Maybe it's because we're all gasping for air at all these (insane) Trump appointments. 🙆)
Naw, that other side is here but thankfully we can mass block and hopefully keep the sky blue. I've started seeing some hate, especially towards Lizzo and my 🧠 is like *sigh* We'll see
BlueSky's moderation is top notch.
👋🏼 Please follow🦋
Kind, considerate and friendly - that is all true.
Nerves are still raw. Give us time.
to being sane
So no guarantees
that sanity will be.
On here.
Sane enough?
Of course, I am on medication, so... 😉
Just make sure to stay away from the ones who get high and mighty about it. No offense, just playing it safe.
I mean, there's Alf hog here.