You’re not being paranoid at all. He is trying to be a Supreme leader, part of that involves degrading any and every opposition. It’s a classic tactic that I’m sure he’s been advised to do.
rumors were that MLK was a philanderer -not that this bothers Conservatives these days- but yes DT definitely wants to do a tabloid hit-job on those two: expose all the dirt on their personal lives to bring them down a notch in the "public conscience" whatever that term means at this point
That fuck face does NOTHING for the greater good of anyone but himself. Of course, those files are disparaging and more than likely we already know the shortcomings of both men. I’m sure MLK and JFK’s misgivings pale in comparison to Trump the Felon/Rapist/Crook/Narcissist/Fuckface.
I don’t give a rat’s tail what the files reveal. Martin will never be tarnished to me. Period! He, and other ancestors put their WHOLE LIVES on the line for me. He is human and has much more integrity than the heel-spurred, diaper wearing demon don-old.
I agree but don’t know what more they can tell us? We know he was cheating and they recorded it, I hope that stays private. And we know the state was behind his assassination. And we know he survived being shot, he was smothered. probably isn’t much more than that. Just like with the aliens…
Here’s My prediction…the redactions will show the FBI did participate in their assignations, so releasing this information will PROVE to his supporters (and by extension the broader public) that the FBI is bad.
Think about it, why else would they have not released the information years ago?
We know they were dirty in the 60’s, it’s the only plausible explanation.
Both are notoriously evil and have done so much damage domestically and around the world, what will come out will only confirm & anger us more which is what he wants. Surprised the “deep state” is allowing this who did coups & meddled around the world 🤷🏻♀️ including my little country
Not paranoid at all. God knows what his intentions are beyond "bad". My initial reaction is that he might be doing this to tickle all the crackpots in his supporter base. I remember him pulling something like this about ✨the aliens✨ last time.
Not one bit.
Jay Edgar Hoover ordered surveillance and wire taps on my family/ 54 boxes released under the freedom of information act.
They weren’t even trying to be indiscreet when they followed us.
We know they were dirty in the 60’s, it’s the only plausible explanation.
I am sure there are ulterior motives. 😩
Also since when do we care about morality as a prerequisite for serving in office.