Books and articles following the "I've done this, it worked for me well enough, and thou shalt do the same" pattern are of little value. Even when they stick to practices and techniques and not maturity models and theories.
There are quite some such actual bestsellers that I have on my list.
There are quite some such actual bestsellers that I have on my list.
If a team can't sensibly explain why they're doing a practice and what value it brings them or a broader organization it would be a clue.
As a matter of fact, I would consider very few adoptions of [any method] completely voluntary.
Also, as a rule of thumb, the bigger the org, the less volunteerism there would be.
Not everything we do has to be explainable from methodological perspective.
I may not give a damn about Scrum's methodological perspective and still understand why and how dailies give us value.
Again, it's not binary.