If everyone cares enough about their family and friends to buy them gifts and gather for the holidays...please care enough about those same people to be careful.☃️❄️🎄🎁
Make sure everyone is able to be there again next year.
Debating masking at the family gathering tomorrow. Four young children, their parents, my immuno-compromised brother and his wife, and me. Better safe than sorry?
I always mask in public.
I ask my family and friends to test before we gather- several vulnerable people in the family. I run HEPA filters and crack windows open.
Your situation may be different, so do the best you can.
Protecting yourself and your family is important!
True. Stay safe, Morgan. You're already doing the right thing with masking. Apart from the initial vax, I've gotten 6 booster shots+this season's flu shot. I'm sure if I test my DNA, it will have the ltrs Moderna in it 😆
What? A virus with shifting antigens that not only never reached herd immunity because not enough people got the vaccine but has also made it into the animal reservoir where it continues to shift might make a comeback? You don't say. (This is why I still mask up on the train.)
One of the many reasons I'm not found anywhere. My hubby is working on Xmas for some OT and my son and his fiancé are with her family. I'm looking forward to relaxing with my fur babies. I am getting over a wicked 2 1/2 week virus (not covid) so I can definitely use the peace and quiet
I work in a German factory. I was sick most of November into December. Luckily, I never had COVID-19. A friend from work just came down with COVID-19. She had a kid in her tutoring group who was coughing uncontrollably. I feel so bad for her and irritated the kid got sent to school.
Make sure everyone is able to be there again next year.
I ask my family and friends to test before we gather- several vulnerable people in the family. I run HEPA filters and crack windows open.
Your situation may be different, so do the best you can.
Protecting yourself and your family is important!
Stay healthy !
Illness everywhere
Stay well, kind lady
When you mask...it's to protect the ones you love 💙🙏🦋