I love how Texas has decided to include Bible stories in their reading curriculum. The first one mentioned was The Good Samaritan. It will be fun for the students to read that as they watch the immigrants pouring into the camps they’ve built.
It’s a great way to bring history alive.
AND they'll gloss over the rest of the story about how King Herod put out a decree to kill all males under the age of three and Mary and Joseph had to flee to Egypt to save the life of their baby.
Americans, in general, are just bad people. I sometimes find it amusing when I hear people say,"America is the greatest country in the world!" 🤣 Yeah, far from it,pal. It was born on the greatest of ideas and principles but has become something very different than what was intended. It's sad,really.
You're right, but it's just the ignorant I'm talking about. Look at how much of the world's wealth resides here. Then look where we stand in terms of workers' rights, healthcare for ALL our citizens, and homelessness. We're not even in the top 25 in education in civilized nations!! We're NOT great.
“Have compassion for all beings, rich and poor alike; each has their suffering. Some suffer too much, others too little.” “Teach this triple truth to all: A generous heart, kind speech, and a life of service and compassion are the things which renew humanity.” Buddha
I realised the hypocrisy as a 5-year-old in Sunday school. Colouring pictures of Jesus, animals gathered around him, loving ‘all creatures great and small.’ I saw abattoir trucks with cows or sheep crammed tight, panicked eyes on their way to slaughter. I knew then that humans are full of shit.
I find it odd that the same people who denigrate immigrants always forget that their saviour and his family has to flee their homeland because of political violence.
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes - how right can you be 😁Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes - how right can you be 😁Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes - how right can you be 😁
Only on Sunday Christians are even worse. They come to church to be absolved of their weekly f**kery. The ones who go every day are the most dangerous. The evils they do are holy. The rest of us have no future but hellfire and forcing their religion on us is a kindness they are willing to give.
I went to Catholic masses for years & never once heard a priest give a sermon on every believer's responsibility to take care of the sick, the poor, the elderly. They might read an Epistle. But no priest never spoke his own words. It's as if not one of them every heard of Jesus. So I stopped going.
Great to hear. Guess I have bad luck w/ priests. My mother, who died this year, was a devoted Catholic & member of Tucson's largest suburban church. My brother said she told him she wanted last rites, so I called them & asked how to arrange. Secretary said the priest would phone me. (cont.)
When I asked if he could come, he barked, "How do you know she's dying?" I put the RN from hospice on with him. He she wasn't a doctor & we should call back when we knew for sure. My mother passed away the next day. She was unconscious when a lovely chaplain the hospice sent prayed over her. (cont.)
A friend who's a lifelong Catholic w/ degrees from 2 Catholic universities was so outraged, she wrote a letter to the Tucson Diocese. I never heard a word back. Yes, I donate to the poor & volunteer for several groups, including 💛Ukraine💙. I also donated in Mom's name to the hurricane victims.
When I get the post it from the secretary, I am out the door. I don't care if they say it's not critical; if that person dies without being anointed because I waited - that is on me, and I don't want that on me. I have anointed people who died within minutes of anointing.
I do sincerely apologize-I believe you.
I'm guessing he was an old priest. With antiquated theology.
"Last rites," is no longer called "last rites"-but anointing of the sick. P. Francis said, it's not only for those near death, but elderly (I interpret as over 70), chronic/acutely ill, for surgery.
I'm so sorry that happened to you. Stories like this are one of many reasons I left the church. They are more concerned about bringing in more parishoners to bring in more money in donations than they are about actually doing the duties they're supposed to or any kind of good works.
The way they practice their religion is about power and aggression, not kindness or love, and always has been. They will claim otherwise while they spit on people who think and look differently than they do and try to pass laws to make people obey their religion.
Remember that a LOT of different sects of Christianity opposed black people’s freedom from slavery, desegregation, reproductive rights. They supported Hitler’s regime.
There’s only been a couple of sects that have truly stepped up and helped people in times of need.
I had a fun thought. Christo-nationalists don't respect the separation of church/state. But what if Trump established a "alternative" Christian religion, but w/him as the figure head. that all US should be part of. No other religions now, no separations. Didn't Henry VIII do that? It's very King-ish
Oh, and then they went after all the Catholics that were still under the Pope. Just banned & killed them, converted the smart ones, rewrote their bible. Sound familiar?
They have been fed daily by the oligarchy that the problem is the 'lazy,' non-working poor people, not the entitled, lazy, non-working rich people who inherited their wealth and never worked a day in their miserable lives.
They're not celebrating the birth of Jesus. They're celebrating their faith in the god of "abundance" they've "manifested" by their allegiance to charlatans and grifters. New age Evangelism is truly bizarre.
In my experience growing up in the Catholic religion and going to Catholic school, there are way too many people in the congregation who just go to look good. The second they leave church they turn back into assholes.
They claim to follow Christ's teachings but forget He kicked the hypocrites out of the Temple and hung around the people who weren't the in crowd at all... prostitutes, tax collectors, fishermen, etc.
I am absolutely appalled by Americans. Trump’s election is not a direct threat to me. I’m old, white, comfortable. But he is a direct threat to my daughter, my sons. He is a direct threat to my friends and family, he is a direct threat to my neighbors, so how does anyone just let this go as normal?
It’s a great way to bring history alive.
But that's okay, Republicans love the uneducated.
Welcome the good, expel the bad.
I guess that dark-skinned Jewish baby would not have lived to give bigots something the cherry pick...
But I do think we can teach children to care.
A lot of them are like that. They use religion to control people, even if they don't believe.
I'm sorry you received poor homiletics from your priests.
I hope, though, you still give to the poor each week, and volunteer.
I'm guessing he was an old priest. With antiquated theology.
"Last rites," is no longer called "last rites"-but anointing of the sick. P. Francis said, it's not only for those near death, but elderly (I interpret as over 70), chronic/acutely ill, for surgery.
There’s only been a couple of sects that have truly stepped up and helped people in times of need.
Capitalism breeds a selfish society
Like what a fair trade!
Americans lack compassion. ? ? ?
Stop bitching. offer solutions.
Americans have become very self centered. Not a lot of generosity.