Where do I start? Most complicated tank/reel ever conceived. Did you see the giant steel contraption needed to keep the lid secure?
Did you see him shake his film to agitate it? There are better ways. I couldn’t recommend this to anyone. But it did give me a good chuckle.
Of course, I saw it. I'm not in a position to recommend or not recommend this tool because I have not used it myself. But I wouldn't go as far as assuming it's completely useless because it clearly makes loading film quicker: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yr-8Nr0VYM4
That’s a marketing video and has a few errors. I’d be more concerned with quality processing, safety of handling the film and ease of use. The speed argument isn’t very compelling and becomes a negative as soon as a second roll is considered.
Yes I am wondering about cleaning and maintaining all the parts. This solution would’ve made more sense for me at a higher price with +quality parts and engineering. But loading film can be a pain which is why a solution is welcome from my POV.
I think we agree that innovation and products that improve access to photography are very welcome. I do appreciate this concept, but… there are a lot of buts.
Did you see him shake his film to agitate it? There are better ways. I couldn’t recommend this to anyone. But it did give me a good chuckle.