I have zero idea how the federal election will pan out.
But the government's pretense that it's been helping with people's problem is falling on deaf ears.
Labor supporters can argue the reality, but Labor is losing the perception war.
(And much of the reality)
But the government's pretense that it's been helping with people's problem is falling on deaf ears.
Labor supporters can argue the reality, but Labor is losing the perception war.
(And much of the reality)
- nothing to help fight inflation
- nothing to help fix house prices
- immigration at unsustainable levels
All real.
- telling people they're helping
- telling people how to think on social issues
Not real, but damaging
I'm far from sure the Opposition is any better.
But I'm not saying what 'should' happen.
I'm giving a view on what people are saying/feeling.
The government has a tin ear. That could cost it.
I'm not sure that the reality is that much different, in anything that matters.
The ones who offer commentary, on what they see and hear.
I knew it!
Really? The LNP shredded the public service & gave $squllions to private operators who fell over e.g. all the education providers.
They left us with a debt that was paid to provide us nothing. Angus Taylor handed over $100m to his own family.1/2
LNP are in the position they are cos of the media.
“Peter Dutton says….”
Be fair…….
That would be enough for most folks.
Dutton and co are clearly worse, because they would do the same, plus extra rorts, theft and corruption!
Keep housing growth, and truly absurd market interventions are required.
No one is prepared to admit that profiteering shelter was always immoral and a net economic loss
Few will give them a pass because the problem preexisted them.
Apparently I will have to be very disciplined with my calorie count in FY 26/27 and my great grand kids might see a new submarine and a nuclear reactor for “cheaper” electricity.
Free TAFE for construction trades, nurses etc ✅
Power rebates understandable
But 🤔 1/2
And 🤔 the heart of the issue was a divorce in their lives with everyday Oz. Ie: they are far too political class rather than working class in their approach.
PS: I 🤔 the LNP would do worse by Oz
What have they done to materially help with inflation? Housing? Population growth? Living standards (real wages) that have fallen to 2017 levels? Structural Budget management?
But yes, the latter would be a good start.
I'm not telling people how to vote.
People are paying 20% more than 5 years ago. Real wages are through the floor. People feel - are - poorer. House prices are through the roof. Immigration has been and remains too high.
Since covid price of just about everything essential has doubled.
But once a government takes office the question becomes 'what did you do'.
Over the past almost-three years, the answer is 'nothing material'.
The same is true of Morrison, too, you're right.
They did nothing until late last year. Yes, the Coalition is now also to blame, with that block.
But it's not just students (in fact if incoming student numbers equal those who go home, it's not an issue at all).
I think it's a mix of both, but with some glaring examples of the government doing nothing / too little / making it worse, tbh.
- Immigration levels higher than the should/could be, adding demand, particularly in housing (somewhat offset by adding to labour supply, of course)
- Spending much of the unexpected tax revenue windfall
- Adding public sector staff at high levels
I don’t think government spending is having much upwards impact on inflation, which has fallen significantly in 18 months. Interest rates will fall this year.
By world standards our economy is in pretty decent shape. Yes there are issues.
I disagree on spending, tbh. The size of the RBA's rate increases could have been lower, if the government had spent less.