Damn, I don't know how to read so I'm lost on this one. Didn't think knowing how to read would be useful in any meaningful way, unlike math which I'm actually not bad at.
Either way, I hope whatever is in there is all stuff that makes you happy when it's there.
Maybe it's drugs? My thoughts are drugs now but in a different way. I think I think too much about drugs. Luckily drugs helpe think less so it'll sort itself out. I think
No; I don’t think we can get close enough to restrain him long enough to turn him into a musical instrument, like in that Hannibal episode. I like where your head is at, tho.
The greatest key to life is knowing that we can make our own happiness that doesn't have to harm others, yet we willfully choose to do the opposite because of impulsive desires to gain instant gratification instead of busting ass to put in the work and effort, because we have become too
Either way, I hope whatever is in there is all stuff that makes you happy when it's there.
Those thoughts are like drugs
I'm still rattled
from the bangs.
Me rattled,
You fine.
Maybe that’s because that’s what’s in the oven.
I’m going to say that you want to know what the answer is to everything… and I’m going to say that the answer is still “42”.