It’s so funny being a casual fan of the franchise and seeing how much one movie still gets a reaction like this from some people. I’ve long made my peace with the elements I like and don’t in the film, but Star Wars has produced so much since its release, all with fans. SW is doing just fine imo.
I hate that movie so much, it’s literally the only piece of Star Wars I haven’t watched twice. And yes, I watched all episodes of the Acolyte more than once. I’ve tried. A few times. It just doesn’t work for me at all. That said, I don’t feel the need to make random posts about how much I dislike it
That’s kinda it, right? Most grownups, when they dislike something, say it ain’t for them and move on. Imagine counting the days since something was released just to reheat the rage.
100% my friend. I can admit it looks beautiful, and there’s good things in there, it’s just not for me. It also says something about the experience of watching g something that can speak to a person on an individual level that not everyone will share.Example, I finally watched the new Crow yesterday
And while I’ll never recommend that movie to anyone, I very much loved it and enjoyed a lot of it on a personal level. I loved a three minute music video of a Joy Division song from the OG comic in the middle of the movie, but I recognize most would not lol
The idea a single disgruntled nerd can declare the marquee franchise in film history “dead.”
The idea that nerd will be the sole arbiter of whether and when that franchise can be considered resurrected.
Also, The Last Jedi is the fourth-best Star Wars movie.