I'm "liking this", only as a thank you for info. Our separation of church & state is being erased & unfortunately we can't look to this SCOTUS to do anything about it.
Will be interesting to know what this does to private Christian’s schools. I’m in a town of 1500 with a public and private school option - why pay for private now when it’s free at the public.
The good thing is that knowing the Bible doesn’t make you more religious later in life. It may do the opposite, and they may realise that it’s nonsensical.
Should someone tell them that Christianity includes many diff. sects under the main title of "Christian."
Each sect varies in how it interprets & implements verses in the Bible. Imagine the parent's reaction when their kid goes to school as one sect & comes home a different sect.
What about Muslim Jewish Buddhist atheist kids in the schools? Will there be vouchers for them to go to schools that don’t have Christian teaching in the classroom? Slippery slope.
It looks like the Southern Baptists in Texas after over a half century of trying, finally managed to get the Bible in the public schools. Of course, they had to literally undermine the Constitution, democracy, and the soul and principles of the nation, but their relentless pursuits prevailed.
Unfortunately (and unfathomably) many states defer to Texas Board of Ed for curriculum standards. This will not stay in Texas. We are witnessing the dumbing down of our next generations.
Ok seriously though, they’re going to teach from the Bible? So they’re going to completely edit out the bits in red? Because otherwise kids are going to be completely confused when they hear what Jesus actually said.
As it says in the first amendment “freedom of religion, except when Christian nationalist install a fascist and decide everyone needs to love Jesus or else”
It's unconstitutional, but this will undoubtedly force the issue back to SCOTUS where they will approve it. There are going to be a lot of these cases over the next 4 years. They'll rewrite the constitution without ever touching it.
Can ppl at least sue over this if their child is subject to it? I know SC will eventually uphold it but Texas deserves to be at least put through the ringer for something so blatantly unconstitutional.
Jews, Muslims, Jehovah Witness, LDS, Scientologists, atheist, ect. taxpayers will be paying to have their children indoctrinated in Christian extremism.
When I was a child, public school was strictly education (reading, writing, arithmetic, history, etc.). If your parents wanted you to receive religious education you went voluntarily to Sunday School or Catechism. TODAY REPUBLICANS are trying to FORCE their CHRISTIAN RELIGION on everyone.
Also, it looks like Republicans are treating schools like children by bribing them to do what THEY want. It's akin to a parent bribing a child to be quiet...
This is akin to abortions - if you don't want your child to learn what's in the Bible, you'll have to move. And yet, what if you cannot afford to move - your kid(s) would be forced to learn Biblical principles? It feels like Nazi Germany from 33-45...
It is optional. However those schools that opt in will receive additional funding from the state. Those schools who do not add it to the curriculum will not receive the addl funding. Talk about bribery…
Like I said, "This is akin to abortions - if you don't want your child to learn what's in the Bible, you'll have to move. And yet, what if you cannot afford to move - your kid(s) would be forced to learn Biblical principles? It feels like Nazi Germany from 33-45..."
Exactly! It looks like Republicans are treating schools like children by bribing them to do what THEY want. It's akin to a parent bribing a child to be quiet...
My bad... it really bothers me to feel like I can't do anything, that the vote is worthless, that justice is worthless, that these guys get away with it without paying the consequences, and I'm not just talking about the corrupt people in Texas.
"The lessons would be optional, but districts can receive at least $40 per student for using state-approved materials, according to local legislation."
It looks like Republicans are treating schools like children by bribing them to do what THEY want. It's akin to a parent bribing a child to be quiet...
I guarantee you that the majority of this country is against this type of thing.
Keep your religion in your fucking church, assholes.
This is what grooming looks like.
Each sect varies in how it interprets & implements verses in the Bible. Imagine the parent's reaction when their kid goes to school as one sect & comes home a different sect.
Is anybody taking OK and TX to court?
First they fascinate the fools then they muzzle the intelligent.
~ Bertrand Russell
only optional if you want to move up to the next grade. and into middle school
"AUSTIN, Texas (AP) - Texas education board approves optional Bible-infused curriculum for elementary schools starting next year"
I hate it here.
"The lessons would be optional, but districts can receive at least $40 per student for using state-approved materials, according to local legislation."