So that’s my dive into the cesspit that is the DOJ trying to defend this deeply unconstitutional order.
It’s absolute bullshit.
That doesn’t mean I trust SCOTUS, because they will lie about everything.
It’s absolute bullshit.
That doesn’t mean I trust SCOTUS, because they will lie about everything.
I know that SCOTUS doesn’t mean shit and even if they did, Trump doesn’t have to listen.
But in the long run, if you don’t start protecting the rules, the gun fights just devolve.
I know we are in for a long ass gun fight. I can’t shoot for shit.
I am a person who believes in principles.
If we are going to keep ourselves from unending rounds of gun fights, by GOD we are going to have to keep bringing our rule books to the gun fights.
And the GOP realized that the first party who *stops* cooperating has a major advantage.
And if we are going to get out of this thing it will be because people like you and me refuse to let go of it.
Please and thank you.