The thing about having a curious cat who stops at nothing is that every so often, she’s going to end up at the back of a drawer when you close it, and you’ll have to play the “where is that meow coming from?” game to figure out what the heck she’s done.
Now thankfully, she's growing into a proper chonky girl.
My mom went up and asked if she was upset.
She heard a "meow."
My sister hadn't gone to her room at all. The cat had tipped over a rolled up rug and it slammed the door shut.
She gave me The Stink Eye for a couple of days.
Many times.
I'm in the laundry room one day, and there's meowing coming out of the ceiling. Over the tiles. The cat had climbed bookshelves, found a spot between rafters, and was wandering above the ceiling tiles then forgot how to get back out.