"Davina McCall to have brain surgery for ‘very rare’ benign tumour"
A big operation ahead and sending huge love to her ❤️
She genuinely helps so many people, a rare gem in the world of showbiz tbh
"Davina McCall to have brain surgery for ‘very rare’ benign tumour"
A big operation ahead and sending huge love to her ❤️
She genuinely helps so many people, a rare gem in the world of showbiz tbh
I'll light a candle for her future health
Best of luck with the scans.
Sending huge hugs 🥰
She looks good here, sharing a memory from the show.
My sister had a brain tumour.
Wishing Davina all of the best.
Thank's Carol
i kid, of course. best wishes and i hope her treatment goes well!
Her story of how she changed her life is inspiring.
Sending her all the positive vibes and a reminder that rare gems shine the brightest, even under pressure. ❤️
Sorry to hear so many close relatives suffering similarly.
💯 s if not 1000s of research papers pointing to damage caused by 1 infection let alone multiple injections. Covid causes body's dysregulation immune system. In AIDS this led to rare cancers killing people.