This is particularly amusing because these people make money encouraging their futon-stain followers to view large segments of humanity as subhumans who deserve death, but they’re all upset the minute people start talking that way about anyone else.
Reposted from
The Serfs
The right are confused why their own audiences aren't clutching pearls alongside them.
It's that monsters who make millions profiting off human misery don't deserve your empathy. Their murderous evil systems shouldn't exist
It's that monsters who make millions profiting off human misery don't deserve your empathy. Their murderous evil systems shouldn't exist
I am guessing he give RFK a task force on healthcare corruption or something along those lines
They can't even use the 'we aren't advocating for' because they have taught ignoring that.
Lastly, they will cut off their noses to spite their faces.
They encourage human misery for their own profit seeking and are every bit the exploitative aholes as any healthcare CEO
Trans people, immigrants and the left aren’t the real enemy!
After 50 years of outright theft ($50 Trillion worth) from the middle class
This is class warfare
I truly hope they'll start connecting the dots, but we can't stand around waiting for it.
I'm sure the MAGA crowd resents "the wealthy" as much as anyone else. The problem is that people who have despaired of improving their own lives often get a lot of joy out of kicking someone else down the stairs.
the red states are pretty vulnerable
He allegedly wrote the book “Unhumans” which is meant to teach MAGA that communists (aka liberals) are not human and deserve to die.