I'll tell you what's really scary. It's not how incredibly stupid Doug Mastriano is - that's an absolute given. It's how incredibly stupid he believes MAGA cultists are. And, sadly, the fact that he's RIGHT.
The Biden Administration has been completely silent on how many of these drones are trans or entered the country illegally. Shameful disregard for public safety.
I live in NJ, but I'm not from here. It's hard not to notice that the state has an unbelievably bad case of main character syndrome, almost like it's overcompensating. At times, it really stands out. This is one of those times.
No, really, fuhgeddabout it.
You didn't see nothin'
Requesting Scrapple🖐️
Those drones fell off a truck, you didn't see anything, and I might know a guy who knows a guy, IYKWIM.