Don’t be silly. I’m elevated. As a matter of fact, I elevated to the second floor and bought my husband socks and underwear. That match! Talk about elevated…
There's a crap-ton of that going on here. I've been bringing up attribution in the mentions of some scrapers, and that's worked out okay. Other people notice, too.
"I came to this shithole to find your personal information so I could sic my rabid dogs on you and all I got was that and a hotline to the manager, but I'm the victim"
[1/2] This I'm pretty sure was all laid out in later chapters of both Campbell's _The Hero with a Thousand Faces_ and, before that, Frazier's _The Golden Bough_. Those somewhat problematic classics ain't all crowd-pleasing tropes of "the call to adventure", "chosen ones", fertility rites...
[2/2] ... dying god-kings, scapegoats, and the like being universals across human cultures. There's a lot about the REAL unrecognized heroes: the geniuses who share their, well, genius generously with their fellow men and get shamefully little in return! THE REAL HEROES, DAMNIT!
Jessie Singal dragged his tired transphobic ass over to Bluesky and spent about a week here being made unwelcome, becoming officially THE MOST blocked person on the site, before retreating to Twitter and whining piteously. He organizes harassment and is a pedophile apologist, too. Not a good guy.
no idea why I misspelled his name; I think I was typing with high fervor. in that state, my brain also phonetically types "ai" instead of I, which is hella weird.
the little hobbit's partner (wratched?) decides hes on his last nerve and wont survive the little hobbit (gondolf?) pitching another fit so hes like let him the keep that stupid ring
Oscar Wilde
I questioned being an asshole for a while, but I bravely decided to double down!
I have not snort-laughed that hard in an age.
the little hobbit's partner (wratched?) decides hes on his last nerve and wont survive the little hobbit (gondolf?) pitching another fit so hes like let him the keep that stupid ring